On my phone, i sometimes use #ImagePipe to downscale the image, crop, and reduce quality, works well for me #FDroid
#imagepipe at #fdroid has 0.5 MiB #apk size. 😎
Package size is an issue because unnecessarily large packages are a problem on legacy devices (with less storage) and therefore this has a negative, environmental impact.
Better to try to remove some libs and use native code?
Since today there is also #imagepipe from dev @Billie as a jam jar from Freital / Germany.
@topio@mastodon.social @topio_space @topio@mobilize.berlin
Habe Euch gerade in der Markthalle besucht und etwas Werbung für #TinyWeatherForecastGermany (Wettervorhersage mit #opendata vom #dwd) und #imagepipe (befreit Bilder von Metadaten und verkleinert sie vorm Teilen) gemacht.
Euer Stand ist wirklich Klasse! 👍👍👍 Super, dass ihr anderen helft, #lineageos zu installieren und Werbung für #opensource macht!
#opensource #lineageos #imagepipe #dwd #opendata #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
ImagePipe is so easy to use as a privacy info filter --it's almost like a setting and not a full app.
But you can also use ImagePipe as a full blown app to crop, add text, smudge out blemishes, flip the image, etc.
I used to turn off location info for my photos, not wanting to share all that info when I shared photos, but now I have location on, knowing that I can easily filter out that info when sharing.
Well done, #ImagePipe! I got it via #FDroid. Not sure if it's also on GoogleApps
Wow, I just discovered this Android app for my photos, that can edit/touch up photos, but also strip out privacy info such as EXIF/location amazingly easily!
When you share your photos, just share to ImagePipe, and then it immediately asks you again how to share, and then you can share to WhatsApp or email or whatever, but all the private info will already have been stripped out of the version though are sharing (the original is untouched).
But also ... /2
#imagepipe #photography #androidapps
- Bilder verkleinern und von Metadaten säubern
- gutes Wetter ohne Tracking
- Kalender über Geräte hinweg mit #nextcloud syncen
#nextcloud #davx #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #imagepipe
#imagepipe version 0.66 is out!
Removes #exif data and modifies images to reduce size before sharing.
The new version fixes various bugs, comes with a slightly reworked #ui and offers more options how to resize the images.
Furthermore, you can now also edit the image when you load it from an other app via #imagepipe .
The new version will be available at #fdroid soon!
Visit the project homepage at #codeberg : https://codeberg.org/Starfish/Imagepipe
#codeberg #fdroid #ui #exif #imagepipe
#imagepipe removes #exif data and reduces the file size of #images before sharing.
It is #floss .
Get it at #fdroid :
And, if you like, learn what else it can do in the #wiki at #codeberg :
#codeberg #wiki #fdroid #floss #images #exif #imagepipe
ah, #imagepipe update auf Version 0.65 auch dabei. Endlich. 🙂
Das war aber mit 4 Tagen Laufzeit auch ein echt langer Update-Bau-Zyklus...
@yakkoj on mobile, take #imagepipe to crop & remove metadata
и преимущество #LibreCamera — она может автоматически сразу ужимать фотки, чтоб без шага с #imagepipe
@KelsonV for Android, have a look at #ImagePipe. In the settings you can set which EXIF tags you want to keep. It's on F-Droid.
I even went a step further. At an early stage of development, some years ago, I felt uncomfortable to agree to the #playstore #dev #tos and it felt very wrong to tie the release to a #google account and pay for it.
So I publish #feinstaubwidget, #imagepipe and #TinyWeatherForecastGermany on #fdroid only.
You won't find them in the G***le play store.
I hope #fdroid only apps somewhat increase the popularity of #fdroid.
#fdroid #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #imagepipe #feinstaubwidget #google #tos #dev #playstore
@mondstern @askfedi_de @askfedi
Certainly not. I very much like coding #tinyweatherforecastgermany & #imagepipe, for example.
However, both are #floss projects done in my spare time, where I define the environment by myself.
I work on it when I like to do so, and I refrain from it when I do not want it.
In a #corporate environment this might be different due to a lack of control over the own work.
#corporate #floss #imagepipe #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
@colinsmatt11 @shaman @Hyolobrika @gabriel
I recently saw a request from someone describing themselves as a prolific photographer in the #Fedilab #Matrix support room, asking if the devs could add a feature to use the EXIF data for the alt tags - they cited extremely non-trivial effort to do that manually.
It obviously issn't for everyone, with most folks preferring to fill out the alt data for the images they upload themselves, but it made a lot of sense for a #prolific_uploader of images in #Fediverse posts.
I'm glad you brought this up, because it's exactly what I was thinking when I became aware that stripping the EXIF data was the default on #Friendica, and disabling that feature is an "opt-out" option.
I don't even know if there's still such a site as #Foursquare, but about ten years ago it was a popular "check-in" site that integrated with #Faceplant.
You would basically do a check-in wherever you were and people could track you via lat/lon or physical address or the business name IIRC, and you could include pics too I think - that's one use case.
Another very good one, snapping a pic and then later uploading it as a Fediverse post in #Friendica (there's an OSM geolocation plugin), which I gather could generate a map based on the EXIF data in their photo.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen pics and wondered where the photos were taken. #Pixelfed should have such an option (does it?) w/OSM mapping toggle on upload.
I don't think any other Fediverse server platforms have that.
Extrapolating that EXIF data for the alt tags in photos uploaded as part of posts (with corresponding maps even) sounds like a great idea - but preferably not as a default setting lolz.
On another note, there's a shitload of really stupid dope farmers here in Humboldt county posting pics of their weed fields on #InstaSPAM, and then wondering why they're getting helicopter flyovers and "Abatement Letters" from the county, followed by the caravans that roll up the mountain, raid, and destroy their crops lolz.
That's what apps like #ImagePipe are for (stripping EXIF data before posting publicly). ImagePipe is available at F-Droid, BTW. 😜
@Laurien (pls pass on to Sir Spencer - he'll get a kick out of that!)
#tallship #FOSS #privacy #geolocation #EXIF #check_in
#fedilab #matrix #prolific_uploader #Fediverse #Friendica #foursquare #faceplant #pixelfed #instaspam #imagepipe #tallship #foss #privacy #geolocation #exif #check_in
Ah yes... Y'know I was just going through settings in #Friendica, and noticed that you have to specifically change the default from stripping the EXIF data when posting media.
For other platforms, you can use this on #Android - #Imagepipe from F-droid:
#Friendica #android #imagepipe