poetaster · @poetaster
166 followers · 2175 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

users. Small updates to and the German weather service released. Not dramatic. YET! (Insert evil laugh here.)

If your interested in # XMPP, ron282 is doing a lot of work. I mananged to get , with current qxmpp running on chum. It's in testing but should come live in about 24H. Ah, rinugus is faster.

#sailfishos #imageworks #shmong

Last updated 1 year ago

Rocky Linux :rockylinux: · @rockylinux
1936 followers · 174 posts · Server fosstodon.org

🎉 Rocky Linux celebrates Tin Toy for in computer animation! On this day in 1989, John Lasseter and William Reeves earned an Academy Award for their animated short film, the first fully computer-animated winner in that category.

As a reminder, the VFX Linux Task Force recommended RHEL-based distros like for Linux workstations, to replace CentOS before it reaches EoL in 2024. Let's help you innovate!

#pixar #innovation #RockyLinux #aswf #dreamworks #animalogic #imageworks #rocksolid #oscars

Last updated 2 years ago

Erdrandbewohner · @Erdrandbewohner
2751 followers · 9204 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Yeah! Endlich gibts ein brauchbares natives Bildbearbeitungsprogramm für : .Hat ja echt lange gedauert.

Klar, mit Programmen wie Snapseed kann es (noch) nicht mithalten, vor allem was Geschwindigkeit und die intuitive Benutzung angeht, aber es bringt alles mit, was ich für die Bildbearbeitung am Smartphone brauche, ohne auf eine Adroid-App zurückgreifen zu müssen. 🙂



Last updated 5 years ago