Master hashtag list 🫡
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#astrology #astrotwitter #ayahuasca #ayahuascero #buddhism #buddhist #cartomancy #consciousness #curandero #curanderismo #depthpsychology #dharma #divination #entheogen #esoteric #fedi22 #fediverse #fssz #imaginal #introduction #magick #mastodon #mysticism #occult #occulture #omenology #psychedelic #relationality #stoatzone #tarot #twittermigration #vajrayana #weirdosphere #witchcraft #woo #zen
New server, new #hashtag #introduction!
#Imaginal Studies
#hashtag #introduction #depthpsychology #jung #hillman #academia #research #imaginal #subpersonalities #dreams #consciousness #dissociation #philosophyofpsychology #appliedethics #startrek #geek #gradschool #vegetarian #postrock #cats #universityofessex #eckerdcollege #covidsafe #savethebees
The 'alam al-mithal (#imaginal realm) must be understood, in spite of its metaphoric use, not as a 'place' but as a mindstate, or ‘world-version’ in Nelson Goodman’s terms. The ‘eighth clime’ is an infinitely complex cognitive-computational layer overlaid atop the real, or whatever ‘the real’ is a metaphor for. It’s a mode of #play, magic-circle bounded. We can ‘be there’ as truly as we’re here (ha), affect it/ourselves as materially—and as skillfully apply ‘strategies for dreamlife.’