Happy birthday to #physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)! He dreamt up his demon to deal with the very odd 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (which is not a law like others, and can not be derived from first priciples).
#sciart #linocut #printmaker #MaxwellsDemon #ImaginaryFriends #thermodynamics #MastoArt
#physicist #sciart #linocut #printmaker #maxwellsdemon #imaginaryfriends #thermodynamics #mastoart
RT @marlomckenzie
Art lovers! Are you looking for something new to liven up your home? A friend donated eleven paintings to the MY SECRET COUNTRY Indiegogo campaign. I've posted them as perks. Grab one now before they are gone.
#painting #documentary #imaginaryfriends
This print "Occam's Razor" is about the Law of Economy or Parsimony postulated by Scholastic philosopher William of Ockham (1287–1347), "pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" or entities should not be needlessly multiplied. More simply this law, or really, rule of thumb is that the simplest explanation is usually right.
#linocut #printmaking #OccamsRazor #typography #sciArt #philosophy #histstm #imaginaryfriends #science #cryptids
#linocut #printmaking #occamsrazor #typography #sciart #philosophy #histstm #imaginaryfriends #science #cryptids
Philip has the power to compel Alison's demons away. But who is he? What is he? And can he be trusted?
#mentalillness #anxiety #depression #suicide #demons #angels #ghosts #imaginaryfriends
#mentalillness #anxiety #depression #suicide #demons #angels #ghosts #imaginaryfriends #kindleunlimited #kindlereaders #ebooks #paperback
#They #have #rigid #rules #for #others, #none for #themselves. They #forgive #no #one.
#religion #dogma #philosophy #ChristianNationalism #fascism #racism #capitalism #statism #imperialism #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #biblenonsense #bigots #hypocrites #jesus #god #imaginaryfriends #psychosis #mentalhealth #cult #occult #christianautocracy #scripture #rightwing #farright #altright #mkultra #brainwashing #spirituality #lunacy #indoctrination #antireligion
#they #have #rigid #rules #for #others #none #themselves #forgive #No #one #religion #dogma #philosophy #ChristianNationalism #fascism #racism #capitalism #statism #imperialism #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #biblenonsense #bigots #hypocrites #jesus #god #imaginaryfriends #psychosis #mentalhealth #cult #occult #christianautocracy #scripture #rightwing #farright #altright #mkultra #brainwashing #spirituality #lunacy #indoctrination #antireligion
#imaginaryfriends Mildred: 1964. Another friend that appeared while I was under the influence of anaesthetic just after a surgery. She mostly sang & danced, occasionally told bad jokes, & liked green bananas. #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
"Inventing imaginary friends might train creativity ..." 👫
Interesting proposition by Jacqueline Woolley and colleagues. 💡 The correlates of imaginary friends are largely positive, from developing social competence to coping skills to creativity.
#Creativity #Imagination #ImaginaryFriends #Psychology #Wellbeing
#wellbeing #psychology #imaginaryfriends #imagination #creativity
#imaginaryfriends late in 1966 I started doing comics with Edgar and his side-kick Tommy the head, formerly Tommy Gun, rival to Action Man (after an unfortunate incident with a neighbours dog, left me with just the head. I drew close to 170 pages of their adventures over 2 years. #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends Edgar Allan Goat. 1964. Emerged from my bookcase at night and quoted Edgar Allan Poe, but in the voice of… Daffy Duck. Your guess is as good as mine! (He hung around until sometime in late 1965.)
#imaginaryfriends Poppy 1963. She turned up at my Auntie Susie’s house, we’d stay there some weekends. I used to play in the meadow opposite the back of the house, she appeared out of the long grass. She’d sing to me when I was sad. #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends Wee Fernietickles (freckles) 1965. Lived in the tree in our back garden, came out to play at dusk. He spoke Pitmatic (northern miners dialect) which is odd for a clown. But most of my uncles spoke it, so I probably got it from them. #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends 1963: Glup! #draweveryday #ded2022 This little creature turned up after surgery. I always think of it as being male, (maybe it’s the flat cap) though it sounded very much like Betty Boop.
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends Blink 1964: #draweveryday #ded2022 We had a coal fire for years. I’d sit for hours sketching figures and faces dancing in the flames. Blink was a little coal sprite who’d appear after the fire had gone out and tell me stories.
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends Nocturne: 1964. He was blind but could fly, though I had to guide him. He appeared when my dad was being especially abusive. I imagined that he taught me how to fight back.
#imaginaryfriends Meep! Born into isolation I only saw the staffs Eyes & hands & from the waist up, as I was lying on a high trolly and they wore surgical masks. I was on my stomach & paralysed below the chest and had no sense of my lower body. So I imagined I looked like this. Meep was the sound the life support made, I thought it was my name. Eventually I saw myself in a mirror, but the various iterations of Meep kept coming back as imaginary friends.
Little Angel-Cloud: #imaginaryfriends I first saw her in a clearing during a school trip to Kielder Forest 1965. She popped up on a regular basis for about 3 years after that. She’d often sing me to sleep.
#imaginaryfriends 1963- Lulan: this elegant creature appeared floating outside my bedroom one night. She was 12 foot tall, & didn’t speak, but created pictures out of thin air instead. Her first appearance was about a week after my first trip to the Hoppins (travelling fair)
#imaginaryfriends Tina: 1962. I had a number of imaginary friends with missing limbs, or with crutches/walking sticks replacing limbs. Tina appeared to me while I was having a plaster cast replaced. She giggled a lot. #draweveryday #ded2022
#imaginaryfriends #draweveryday #ded2022