"To the extent that Jewish people were overrepresented in leftist politics in the early twentieth century, anti-Jewish skepticism was heightened. And, in the context of the civil rights movement, when significant numbers of the White students who joined Freedom Summer were Jewish, the alliance with Black people placed their Whiteness in further jeopardy."
Imani Perry, South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #imaniperry
"...domination is creative as well as consistent...Servants became service workers. So did farmers and factory people. The lash and the prison farm became the chain gang and the prison farm and then the penitentiary and the prison farm."
Imani Perry, South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #imaniperry
"All of our kids are coming of age in a society in crisis. And certain antisocial forces—the ones who make and sell and protect guns, the ones who reject knowledge, the ones who believe that their homes are castles but make terrible rules for other peoples’ bodies, the ones who believe that some of us are ordained to inferiority and vote that way—are trying their darndest to prevent all of our children from growing up and maturing into the kind of people who can make this democracy functional. And people keep putting them in power." #ImaniPerry in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/04/ralph-yarl-shooting-kansas-city-recovering/673755/?ref=unsettled-territory
Redoing this with new character limit! Partial taglist of important-to-me #theorists, #TheoristActivists, #PublicThinkers, #Philosophers (there is an emphasis here is the #theory to #praxis synergy):
#SaraAhmed #MonicaRMiller #AnthonyBPinn #ImaniPerry #JasbirKPuar #AchilleMbembe #JacquesDerrida #GayatryChakravortySpivak #ChristinaSharpe #ZakkiyahImaniJackson #KatherineMcKittrick #SylviaWynter #HortenseSpillers #TiffanyLethaboKing #JenniferCNash #AlexanderWeheliye #DionneBrand #HeatherPool #KateManne #JudithButler #TrishaRose #SaidiyaHartman #DonnaHaraway #bellhooks #PhilipDeloria #DeniseFerreiraDaSilva #AndreaSmith #AudraSimpson #JuliaSerano #MichelleAlexander #AudreLorde #KeeangaYahmattaTaylor #ToniMorrison #AliSmith (modern fiction writer, but I swear the most Derridean thinker I've run across) #MelissaHarrisPerry #SikivuHutchinson #AngelaDavis #ChristopherMDriscoll #ArenZAzura #MartinHaagland
#theorists #theoristactivists #publicthinkers #philosophers #theory #praxis #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #jasbirkpuar #achillembembe #jacquesderrida #gayatrychakravortyspivak #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #juliaserano #michellealexander #audrelorde #keeangayahmattataylor #tonimorrison #alismith #melissaharrisperry #sikivuhutchinson #angeladavis #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland
Partial taglist of important-to-me #theorists:
#SaraAhmed #MonicaRMiller #AnthonyBPinn #ImaniPerry #AchilleMbembe #Derrida #ChristinaSharpe #ZakkiyahImaniJackson #KatherineMcKittrick #SylviaWynter #HortenseSpillers #TiffanyLethaboKing #JenniferCNash #JasbirPuar #AlexanderWeheliye #DionneBrand #HeatherPool #KateManne #JudithButler #TrishaRose #SaidiyaHartman #DonnaHaraway #bellhooks #PhilipDeloria #DeniseFerreiraDaSilva #AndreaSmith #AudraSimpson #ChristopherMDriscoll #ArenZAzura #MartinHaagland
#theorists #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #achillembembe #derrida #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #jasbirpuar #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland
Found it!
Racism Is Terrible. Blackness Is Not.
So many people taught us to be more than the hatred heaped upon us.
By #ImaniPerry
#selfworth #blackjoy #blacktwitter #blackmastodon #imaniperry
What a glorious acceptance speech she gave! #ImaniPerry https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/16/books/national-book-award-winners.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
#ImaniPerry showing why she just won the #NationalBookAward.
#imaniperry #nationalbookaward