Just finished watching #ImAVirgo and I'm blown away. Kudos to Boots Riley for making (and getting Amazon to fund!) this shaggy visionary masterpiece of beautiful agitprop with a thoughtful meditation about popular culture! Can I squeeze it onto my fall syllabus?
#ImAVirgo, by #BootsRiley on #Amazon sounds as weird and interesting as his earlier #SorryToBotherYou and is apparently another commentary on the condition of the average working person, along with #race, and #revolution.
Sadly, it'll be a while before I can watch it because I canceled #Prime at the end of last year and have zero plans to ever rejoin.
#prime #revolution #Race #sorrytobotheryou #Amazon #bootsriley #imavirgo
Und plötzlich werden auf Amazon Prime Fragen verhandelt, die man sonst eher im aktivistischen Plenum wälzt: @Hacki_Love über die Serie «I'm a Virgo».
Cette semaine, j'ai visiblement été un peu plus motivé que les précédentes ! ✨
J'ai bouclé #ThePeripheral en alternance avec l'incroyable et surprenant ovni #ImAVirgo ; rappel à moi-même d'enfin prendre le temps de voir #SorryToBotherYou.
J'ai donc vu 2 films.
Hier soir, j'ai vu l'épisode spécial d'#Invincible consacré aux origines d'#AtomEve et je ne serais pas contre plus de choses du genre pour patienter entre deux saisons d'un truc apprécié. (Mais ❤️ sur les artistes.)
#ThePeripheral #imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #invincible #atomeve
It’s just crazy how good and inventive, dense and different “I’m A Virgo” is. Just when I started to get comfortable hating TV, dammit.
#ImAVirgo (it’s on amazonprime)
"I'm A Virgo" is a TV show from Boots Riley and it is as good as you'd expect, if you've seen "Sorry to Bother You". It's a good story with humor, fantastical elements, critique of capitalism/racism/fascism in the US, communist organizing, anti-eviction direct action, etc. It's easily the best thing on television right now.
#ImAVirgo #BootsRiley #communist #antifascist #anticapitalist #antiracist
#imavirgo #bootsriley #communist #antifascist #anticapitalist #antiracist
funniest review of #ImAVirgo:
"I could do without the two lectures straight outta r/antiwork but otherwise this was incredible. "
just lol lmao
#ImAVirgo is genius. Lesson after lesson.
"If you can't trust us [parents who are lying to you], who can you trust?"
"[That's] Foucault... 'Power exists only when put into action'...It *sounds* pretty, but it's useless for actual organizing."
"Yo - everybody's on the FBI list anyway, might as well be for good reason."
"Soon, people are gonna try to figure out how to use you, & when they can't use you no more, they're gonna try to get rid of you."
#ImAVirgo is exactly the kind of show you'd expect if you heard the guy who made #SorryToBotherYou made a series. This is impressively gonzo, and I love it. #BootsRiley
#imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #bootsriley
Finally finished #ImAVirgo and it was fucking great! Highly recommend it. Hilarious and packed full of important messages; Jones' last monologue in the final episode was terrific. One of the best shows I've seen in a long time.
Did anyone watching #ImAVirgo spot this valknut in the logo of the evil healthcare company?
watch #imavirgo
watch #sorrytobotheryou
listen to #thecoup
#imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #thecoup
one of the things about #ImAVirgo is like: on one level when was the last time you saw a show have a sympathetic character just up and say "I'm a communist" but why stop there, lets have one of the conflicts of the how be between different revolutionary strategies, neither of which are liberalism? Neither is demonized? Like the show clearly has a preference for which the narrative believes over the other but its not some "i agree with your aims but not your tactics you should instead vote" shit
#ImaVirgo on amazon is excellent. But then, everything Boots Riley does is genius. Here’s an old favorite of mine, some good advice from The Coup.
This show is absolutely fantastic. I've only watched one and I can already tell it's going to be a favorite. Boots Riley Making Things is exactly the flavor I need in my life, at all times.
#ImAVirgo #BootsRiley #fun #Surreal #Subversive #TVShow #Prime
#imavirgo #bootsriley #fun #surreal #subversive #tvshow #prime
“I’ve never been someone who has put forth the idea that we can make this gentler capitalism. I’ve always been someone that said we have to get rid of capitalism.” - Boots Riley #film #imavirgo https://www.wired.com/story/boots-riley-im-a-virgo-interview/
Y'all need to watch "I'm a Virgo" on Prime. I'm about halfway through the season, and I'm obsessed. It's surreal, funny, heartwrenching, anti-capitalist, and unique. Plus the episodes are only like 30mins long each, so the storyline doesn't drag as much as other shows.
#tv #imavirgo #surrealism #bootsriley
TIME critic @judyberman reviews Boots Riley's #ImAVirgo: "The show also respects its audience’s intelligence, presenting ideas that might be unfamiliar without either condescending or feigning ideological neutrality" https://ti.me/3qYErGl #press
I'm watching #ImAVirgo, and I CAN'T STOP. It's so good. Super weird, trippy, funny, heartbreaking, and all sorts of other emotions rolled into one. Highly reccomend.
Jharrel Jerome: "I think as a Black man, when you walk around the street, you kind of already feel like Cootie: You feel a little too big, or you feel a little too intimidating, even though you’re pure-hearted" #ImAVirgo https://ti.me/3JtWA56 #press