Words are powerfull. What one thinks when confronted with double/plural meaning words is powerfully significant.
Take this post as an example:
For a chess player 'to queen' would mean 'promotion' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_(chess)
I love this little paragraph: "Promotion to a queen is known as queening; promotion to any other piece is known as underpromotion. Promotion is almost always to a queen, as it is the most powerful piece."
#littleme #thinking #words #imawriter
Words are powerfull. What one thinks when confronted with double/plural meaning words is powerfully significant.
Take this post as an example:
For a chess player 'to queen' would mean 'promotion' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_(chess)
I love this little paragraph: "Promotion to a queen is known as queening; promotion to any other piece is known as underpromotion.[3] Promotion is almost always to a queen, as it is the most powerful piece."
#littleme #thinking #words #imawriter
Words are powerfull. What one thinks when confronted with double/plural neaning words is powerfully significant.
Take this post as an example:
For a chess player 'to queen' would mean 'promotion' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_(chess)
I love this little paragraph: "Promotion to a queen is known as queening; promotion to any other piece is known as underpromotion.[3] Promotion is almost always to a queen, as it is the most powerful piece."
#littleme #thinking #words #imawriter