[blogue] Ivrogne toponymique • https://oreilletendue.com/2023/03/25/ivrogne-toponymique/ • #langue #simenon #imbibition #oreilletendue
#langue #simenon #imbibition #oreilletendue
[blogue] Mises à jour du début de semaine de relâche • https://oreilletendue.com/2023/02/27/mises-a-jour-du-debut-de-semaine-de-relache/ • #boulons #CorpsAuHockey #imbibition #LecturesSportives #PatenteÀGosse #RévolutionTranquille #hockey #langueqc #littqc #québec #oreilletendue
#boulons #corpsauhockey #imbibition #lecturessportives #patenteagosse #revolutiontranquille #hockey #langueqc #littqc #quebec #oreilletendue
We just published a #newpaper with an analytical solution for the #thermal response observed during #imbibition of water. This allows estimation of the thermal diffusivity, tortuousity, and hydraulic properties from a single lab test. Forest did great work, he is an incredible student. #hydrology #vadosezone
#vadosezone #hydrology #newpaper #imbibition #thermal