Game Devlog 08 - after a couple weeks of procrastination, I hit a small stride this week. I implemented a basic save/load system for local high scores and almost finished adding collectible doodads. At this point, I’m actively developing an #Imbroglio prototype without the weapon tiles and multiple health pools. After things wrap up, I’ll be looking at trying new mechanics and finding an art style. #GameDev #GodotEngine #IndieDev #Godot
#imbroglio #gamedev #godotengine #indiedev #godot
It wasn't the blood on the axe. It was the imbroglio of former lovers skulls that set the scene.
The Goddess gave light to all who sought her. They never knew the process etched the symbols of her homeworld species into their bones. None survived to tell of the Transference Device shaped like a hook that pierced the cheek. Their consciousness the perfect fuel for Her portal. She needed only one more, I didn't intend to be that one.
Welcome to the #Promptodon #WritingPrompt
Today's Prompt (February 17):
New Prompts Daily! Write us some fiction using the Word, or the Image of the day (or get tricky and use both!)
For people to find your writing:
1. Use the Hashtags
2. Or respond to this post
Please Boost so we can find more participants!! (thank you!)
#writingCommunity #WritingPrompt #FlashFiction #MicroFiction #sff #fantasy #SciFi #Promptodon #horrorPrompt
Non-Attribution Image from pixelbay
#horrorprompt #scifi #fantasy #sff #microfiction #flashfiction #writingcommunity #imbroglio #writingprompt #promptodon
Il grande imbroglio della legge elettorale - HuffPost Italia #imbroglio #legge #elettorale #huffpost #italia #3agosto
#3agosto #italia #huffpost #elettorale #legge #imbroglio
Ho controllato: non è stato pubblicato il primo di aprile:
Donald #Trump, prima di diventare ex-presidente, raccoglieva fondi, dimenticandosi di dire ai donatori, che quella somma da loro indicata l'avrebbe prelevata dal quel momento in poi, ogni settimana.
tutto volontariamente s'intende, grazie ad un'opzione pre-attivata.
Donald è un Grande. il migliore. insuperabile
Un couple #gay se fait « voler » son enfant GPA par la mère porteuse qui a contracté avec plusieurs autres couples d' « acheteurs »…
(Je n'ai pas tout lu dans cet article.)
#Interdiction de la #GPA : quand l’inertie judiciaire tourne à l’ #imbroglio juridique - #Famille - Personne | #Dalloz #Actualité
#gay #interdiction #gpa #imbroglio #homphobie #famille #dalloz #actualité #homoparentalité