This is the look of a STARVING, emaciated, neglected pupper, a full hour and a half before dinnertime. What does a dog have to do around here???
#triggerwarning #dog #dinner #dinnertime #imean
#triggerwarning #dog #dinner #dinnertime #imean
reason machine translation is not ready for prime time number 628k: this computer just tried to tell me だがな… meant "But you just want the attention." #IMean #WhatTheActualHell? #WhatCorpusAreYOUlookingAt #amtranslating
#imean #whattheactualhell #whatcorpusareyoulookingat #amtranslating
the world is v annoying rn, so I think it's time to attempt this clock magazine again. obscure historical Japanese clock terms cannot possibly be more annoying than Life. #IMean #BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor #ButStill #amtranslating
#imean #becarefulwhatyouwishfor #butstill #amtranslating