The writing process is like dieing a little. And the finish line is brain suicide.
#amwriting #death #poetry #enjoy #life #dontsendhelp #imfine
Sometimes when I wash my hands, I like to pretend that all the germs are screaming in agony and then get washed away by the water to a shadowy grave down the drain. There is nothing wrong with me!
@bwcory Yeppers. During the Eucharistic prayer.
I’m doing my thing, next thing I know, he’s keeling over into the flower stand. A choir member caught him from behind. Some people ran up and lowered him to the ground. Choir members and the deacon got towels to clean up the water. And I kept an eye on everything and announced, “We’re just going to hang tight for a minute.”
His mom eventually walked him back, got him unvested, and he stayed in a pew the rest of the service.
It’s probably best if you just don’t ask. #depression #anxiety #imfine #mentalhealthmeme
#depression #anxiety #imfine #mentalhealthmeme
It’s probably best if you just don’t ask. #depression #anxiety #imfine #mentalhealthmeme
#depression #anxiety #imfine #mentalhealthmeme
Enorm verkouden en met veel moeite opgestaan. Mijn brein: "Er is demo vandaag, we gaan gewoon naar kantoor!"
Vriendlief: "Is dat verstandig?"
Collega's over de app: "Is dat verstandig?"
"Jawel", zegt mijn hoofd dan. Dus naar het station gefietst, hoestend en snuffend op Utrecht CS aangekomen.
Conclusie: ik zit nu alsnog thuis te werken. #ImFine!
Sinon cet après-midi en allant chercher une Pizza j'ai rencontré un monsieur très extraverti et probablement seul, qui me parlait de son chien. Sauf que moi, je suis très introverti, anxieux social, et qu'il parlait fort.
Il était pas méchant, moi tétanisé. Mais tout s'est bien passé. :D
#encounter #anxiety #stress #Imfine
#encounter #anxiety #stress #imfine