Jemand hat mir #brettspiele zum Tausch angeboten. Darunter #agricola und #imhotep. Das erste erscheint mir sehr komplex und schwer. Das zweite fast zu seicht. Liege ich damit richtig? Hier wird meist #TavernenImTiefenThal, #istanbul, #flugelschlag, #7wondersarchitects und ähnliches gespielt. Für was soll ich mich entscheiden? Oder eher ganz ablehnen?
#brettspiele #agricola #imhotep #tavernenimtiefenthal #istanbul #flugelschlag #7wondersarchitects
Have a good weekend #AllThingsTech folks!
Tonight we will be playing a game of Imhotep with friends.
#allthingstech #boardgames #imhotep
The idea that the #Joseph of the Old Testament was #Imhotep is a mixture of the usual "Biblical history" pseudo-historical distortion, with a bit of crossover appeal to the lunatic fringe "Alternative" #Egyptology nuts. It's a kind of anti-intellectual, anti-historical supermarket, with something for everyone.
Jason Colavito has traced the historiography of the connection between #pyramids and Joseph's grain silos to the late antiquity and early medieval writers Julius Honorius and Gregory of Tours. Honorius' Cosmographia, probably written in the 4th or 5th century CE, specifically mentioned that the pyramids were Joseph's granaries, whereas Gregory's 6th century History of the Franks alluded to the same idea, but without using the word "pyramid".
#RationalWiki #Bible #oldtestament #pseudohistory
#joseph #imhotep #egyptology #pyramids #rationalwiki #bible #oldtestament #pseudohistory
neulich unterm Brandenburger Tor #Imhotep s Großtante Alice, mütterlicherseits*
*war so mein erster Gedanke
Immer am letzten Freitag des Monats erscheint der #Podcast des Ägyptischen Museums München, von dem das 🐊 50% ist!
Hört gerne rein, denn diesmal geht es um #Imhotep!
Scrolling this #BlackFriday morning, I got into an education thread, then stopped myself from setting it off a little when I strolled through a #BlackGreeks thread. Put the two together and what did I get?
I salute #Imhotep🤲🏾🕯. A Black Egyptian from the Southside of Thebes who was a priest, architect, physician, mathematician, writer, astronomer, and engineer.
He was deified by the Greeks as Asclepius, god of medicine and not mentioned very much now.
#blackmastodon #imhotep #blackgreeks #BlackFriday
ReDraw - Destination F*cked Lyric Video
#ReDraw #DestinationFucked #EP #2022
#outnow #thrash #thrashmetal #metal #heavymetal #underground #tupatupaordie #swissmetal #switzerland #ticino #imhotep #beergymnasts #birroginnici #LosReDrawsDeLaLocura666
#redraw #destinationfucked #ep #OutNow #thrash #thrashmetal #metal #heavymetal #underground #tupatupaordie #swissmetal #switzerland #ticino #imhotep #beergymnasts #birroginnici #losredrawsdelalocura666 #lovinglavidaloca
When you’ve been working on an #AncientEgypt lecture while listening to Christmas music and you mishear lyrics and think they’re singing about #Imhotep 🫠. For the record: it was #omnipotent
#omnipotent #imhotep #ancientegypt