Muy interesante esta entrevista de Jessica Mouzo en El País a María del Mar Malagón, subdirectora del #IMIBIC y presidenta de la sociedad #SEEDO sobre los falsos conceptos asociados a la #obesidad y la necesidad de divulgar sobre las múltiples causas que la provocan.
I am Justo Castaño, a cell biologist working at the Maimónides Biomedical Research Institute of Córdoba #IMIBIC and the University of Córdoba(Spain).
My group studies Hormones and Cancer, with special focus on the role of RNA #splicing and surveillance in #Neuroendocrinetumors #NETs of the lung 🫁 pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, as well as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma #PDAC and pituitary tumors.
A short view of the team:
#PDAC #nets #neuroendocrinetumors #splicing #imibic