‼️ Vom 30. November bis 2. Dezember treffen sich die politisch Verantwortlichen der Polizei- und Sicherheitsbehörden im Rahmen der Innenministerkonferenz in #München
📣 Antirassistische Demo anlässlich der IMK 2022
📆 30.11.2022 um 18 Uhr
📍 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
#imk2022 #nopag #polizeiproblem #muc3011 #StopDeportation #FortressEurope #FightTheFortress #KeinMenschIstIllegal #NoBorders #RoteHilfe #RefugeesWelcome #asylumseekers #Repression #Solidarity #Protest
👉 https://www.imk2022.bayern/
#munchen #imk2022 #nopag #polizeiproblem #muc3011 #stopdeportation #fortresseurope #fightthefortress #keinmenschistillegal #noborders #rotehilfe #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekers #repression #solidarity #protest
📣 Anti-Racist Demo in Occasion of the Conference of German Interior Ministers in #Munich !
‼️ From November 30 to December 2, the politically responsible authorities for police and security will meet at the "Innenministerkonferenz"
📆 30.11.2022 at 18 h
📍 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz #München
#noPAG #DefundThePolice #StopCopCity #Surveillance #police #PoliceBrutality #Racism #RacialProfiling #justice4mouhamed #BlackLivesMatter #IMK2022
👉 https://www.imk2022.bayern/
#munich #munchen #nopag #defundthepolice #StopCopCity #surveillance #police #policebrutality #racism #racialprofiling #justice4mouhamed #blacklivesmatter #imk2022
📣 Call for anti-racist demo in occasion of the IMK 2022
From November 30 to December 2, the politically responsible authorities for police and security
will meet at the Conference of Interior Ministers in #Munich
📆 30.11.2022 at 18 h
📍 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
#noPAG #DefundThePolice #StopCopCity #ToutLeMondeDetesteLaPolice #police #PoliceBrutality #Racism #RacialProfiling #IMK2022
👉 https://www.imk2022.bayern/
#munich #nopag #defundthepolice #StopCopCity #toutlemondedetestelapolice #police #policebrutality #racism #racialprofiling #imk2022
Aufruf zur antirassistischen Demo anlässlich der IMK 2022 in #München
📆 30.11.2022 um 18 Uhr
📍 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
#imk2022 #nopag #polizeiproblem #muc3011
#munchen #imk2022 #nopag #polizeiproblem #muc3011