"Die #Immensa Health Clinic in #Wolverhampton erhielt im August 2020 vom britischen Gesundheitsministerium einen Vertrag für #PCR-Tests im Wert von 119 Millionen Pfund. Im Januar 2021 berichtete eine Zeitung, dass Angestellte in dem Labor Alkohol tranken, Fußball spielten oder schliefen."
#immensa #Wolverhampton #PCR #pandemicfail
Der Fehler trat 2021 in #Wolverhampton auf, wo 39.000 #PCR-Tests als negativ gemeldet wurden, obwohl sie positiv waren. Man schätzt, dass der Fehler im Zusammenhang mit den Tests zu etwa 55.000 unerkannten Infektionen geführt hat, etwa 680 zusätzliche Krankenhauseinweisungen, die sonst möglicherweise nicht eingetreten wären.
Das Ergebnis dieser PCR Schlamperei sieht man hier.
#immensa #england Birmingham Post
"Each incorrect negative test likely led to just over two additional infections," the report said.
* #UKHSA publishes investigation findings following errors at the private Immensa lab
The #UK #HealthSecurityAgency (UKHSA) has published findings of an investigation following errors at the private #Immensa laboratory in Wolverhampton. *
#ukhsa #uk #healthsecurityagency #immensa
I suppose we start with talk of corporate manslaughter at #DanteLabs and #Immensa and then look at which Tory politicians are implicated in the scandal.
BBC News - Immensa lab errors may have led to 23 Covid-19 deaths
So on the one hand people died, but on the other hand, a mate of Tory ministers got to make millions out of the deal.
So, you know, swings and roundabouts.
As society we need to learn to get better at making policy making evidence based. We need to increase transparency as there are tons of potential conflicts of interests when it comes to public procurement. As taxpayers we need to demand good stewardship of these resources.
#immensa #COVID19 #testing #dantelabs #covid19inquiry
They basically do the same that I did. They estimate a #SyntheticControl based on binary treatment classification of areas from where tests were dispatched to #Immensa lab.
Its funny how their and my figures a year later are so similar.
It highlights: data access is a key barrier as they had slightly better data. But this was entirely avoidable.
In fact, I did launch a #FreedomOfInformation #FOI request last year to request the data that the #UKHSA team was using...
Now that FOI...
#SyntheticControl #immensa #freedomofinformation #foi #ukhsa
I am going to share this as I think there is a much wider point to make. Last year, I studied the #Immensa #Dantelabs #COVID19 testing scandal.
A large #PCR lab basically produced tons of #FalseNegatives -- see my thread from last year:
Today the #Inquiry results came out. Wrong equipment settings were to blame. This is what produced the #FalseNegatives.
More importantly, there is now an #Epidemiology paper with *13*
authors. Let's compare...
#immensa #dantelabs #COVID19 #pcr #falsenegatives #inquiry #epidemiology
Questo #vessillo del vostro #quotidiano @laverita impone una #immensa #responsabilità.
Ecco perché ci si aspetta che con un tale #retaggio #morale la vostra testa non escluda indagini tipo questa: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rush-to-create-magic-bullet-covid-vaccines/
E se tutta questa voglia di #Vaccino stia solo creando le #basi delle #varianti più #pericolose?
Perché la #scienza è #tesi, #antitesi e #sintesi, non #fede #dogmatica, altrimenti è #religione.
#QuidEstVeritas #vessillo #quotidiano #immensa #responsabilità #retaggio #morale #vaccino #basi #varianti #pericolose #scienza #tesi #antitesi #sintesi #Fede #dogmatica #religione