Hi 👋 I'm new here and looking for participants, but also looking for other people who are interested in user experiences in VR for education or just VR for education, in general. I'm attaching my flyer in the hopes someone might know some interested teachers. #intro #teaching #STEM #VR #Research #edTech #education #VRforSTEM #middleschool #instruction #STEMInstruction #ImmersiveVirtualReality #VRResearch #IVR #UXResearch #Implementation #ImplementationResearch
#intro #teaching #stem #vr #research #edtech #Education #vrforstem #middleschool #instruction #steminstruction #immersivevirtualreality #vrresearch #ivr #UXResearch #implementation #implementationresearch
Ok, I set myself up with a more official account on the social sciences server, but I thought I might try my luck here, too. Are you or do you know a middle school STEM teacher who currently uses VR as a tool for teaching STEM topics?
I'm looking for experienced middle school STEM teachers (grades 6-8) to participate in semi-structures Zoom interviews focused on the implementation process for classroom activities in VR.
If you're interested, please let me know. This is my thesis research. Thanks in advance!! #vr #metaverse #stem #stemEducation #k12education #k12 #immersiveVirtualReality #ImmersiveLearning #science #xr #teachers #middleSchool #constructivism #EducationalVR #educationalTechnology #edTech
#vr #metaverse #stem #stemeducation #k12education #k12 #immersivevirtualreality #immersivelearning #Science #xr #teachers #middleschool #constructivism #educationalvr #educationaltechnology #edtech
Ok, I set myself up with a more official account on the social sciences server, but I thought I might try my luck here, too. Are you or do you know a middle school STEM teacher who currently uses VR as a tool for teaching STEM topics?
I'm looking for experienced middle school STEM teachers (grades 6-8) to participate in semi-structures Zoom interviews focused on the implementation process for classroom activities in VR.
If you're interested, please let me know. This is my thesis research. Thanks in advance!! #vr #metaverse #stem #stemEducation #k12education #k12 #immersiveVirtualReality #ImmersiveLearning #science #xr #teachers #middleSchool #constructivism #EducationalVR #educationalTechnology #edTech
#vr #metaverse #stem #stemeducation #k12education #k12 #immersivevirtualreality #immersivelearning #Science #xr #teachers #middleschool #constructivism #educationalvr #educationaltechnology #edtech