Today I made a donation to - it's an incredible app that's almost on feature parity with Google photos and an important step towards ones data sovereignty. Also, it's very easy to kickstart through docker-compose.
I will continue donating to open source projects every month, as I move away from closed source apps. I am tired of services starting as awesome that slowly turn into user-hostile, tracking infested blobs. You don't get that with opensource.
#Immich still has the same limitation that Google Photos has where they won't carry over any folder structure you have on your phone.
For example, if you decide to backup your Download or WhatsApp folders, the images will show up in your gallery mixed with everything else. There's no way to separate them.
There's a feature request on Immich, but why isn't this a thing already?
Immich is the most fabulous thing. I am gobsmacked at how good it is. #immich
I am just not sure if I should trust the automatic backup from Android. 😅 #Immich
Overall I am by the way quite impressed by the facial recognition of #Immich. It recognizes myself in pictures from 20 years ago, with and without beard, different glasses, from the side, etc.
#Immich v1.70.0:
"Facial recognition job will now start from the most recent assets instead of the oldest assets, solving the issue of different babies getting recognized as the same person."
That's such a simple solution to this problem. 👍
@beli3ver Genug Werbung, ich hatte es eh #immich auf meiner #WatchList - jetzt muss nur noch Zeit herkommen… 🤣
Immich is a self hosted Google Photos clone. They just added face detection. Here's a Reddit thread about it. The demo looks great.
#googlephotos #photography #immich #selfhosted
Moin Leute, es war gestern mal wieder etwas länger :blobcatsleep2:
Teilen erwünscht :blobcatowohappy:
Ich habe bis um 2 Uhr meine Bilder von der Ordnerstruktur zu immich migriert. Das einzige was mir noch ein bisschen fehlt sind verschachtele Alben. Momentan wird noch eine Gesichtserkennung eingebaut. Das Projekt ist cool :blobcatyes:
Wer mag kann etwas Liebe bei dem Projekt lassen, oder auch bei der PDF Toolbox Stirling PDF. Da gab es jetzt auch ein größeres Update mit Liveumbau. Seiten an andere Position schieben oder löschen bequem per Maus
Habt einen zauberhaften Tag :blobcathug:
I'm really enjoying beta testing #immich as I search for the best #selfhosted photo album software for my family.
One thing that tickles me is in the current state of development, the machine learning assisted object detection produces kind of a "Where's Waldo" game with what it identifies in the photo, or thinks you were trying to take a picture of.
That part really needs some tuning ;)
I have been working on packaging #Immich ( I released it to the world yesterday at
The main focus is ease of use, a simple "snap install immich-distribution" on a publicly available server should yield a fully working Immich installation.
I'm using it myself and if you need a self hosted Google Photos alternative Immich is a really cool application.
For more information see
@thelinuxEXP Hey Nick, have you ever treid #immich yet? Do you consider to make a video about it?
@thibaultamartin and the killer: "#Immich doesn't have the mechanism to sync an existing directory with the server" #nope i am not going to import my 500GB of photos in another program, thank you very much...
#immich ist installiert und läuft. Jetzt "nur noch" die ganzen Fotos und Videos aus der Cloud reinladen 😉