New Yorker: Dexter Filkins on the Dilemma at the Border, Plus the Singer Joy Oladokun #NewYorker #ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement(I.C.E.) #Podcast/TheNewYorkerRadioHour #News/NewYorkerFavorites #IllegalImmigration #Singer-Songwriters #LivePerformance #Immigration #JosephBiden #DonaldTrump #BorderWall #Podcasts #Houston #Border #Asylum #Gospel #Music
#newyorker #immigrationandcustomsenforcement #podcast #news #illegalimmigration #singer #liveperformance #immigration #josephbiden #donaldtrump #borderwall #podcasts #houston #border #asylum #gospel #music | Revealed: the contentious tool US immigration uses to get your data from tech firms |
[...] "“While perhaps sounding benign or like a legal tool, administrative subpoenas are actually enabling very invasive Ice surveillance, not only of someone that the agency is targeting, but potentially also of anyone who might be communicating with that person on these tech platforms,” Lucal said." | #UnitedStates #law #technology #ImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement #ICE
#unitedstates #law #technology #immigrationandcustomsenforcement #ice
New Yorker: Are Biden’s Immigration Policies Stuck in the Trump Era? #NewYorker #ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement(I.C.E.) #DepartmentofHomelandSecurity #AsylumSeekers #JosephBiden #Immigration #News/Q.&A.
#newyorker #immigrationandcustomsenforcement #departmentofhomelandsecurity #asylumseekers #josephbiden #immigration #news
Ex-ICE Head Praises Uvalde Cops for `Containing` Ramos in Room With Kids #Uvalde #Police #Schoolshooting #ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement #ICE #FoxNews #Fox #KayleighMcEnany #CNN #28maggio
#28maggio #cnn #KayleighMcEnany #fox #foxnews #ice #immigrationandcustomsenforcement #schoolshooting #police #Uvalde