I don't get any commission for saying this, but there is #ImmortalFenyxRising on offer on here https://www.gamebillet.com/immortals-fenyx-rising
I wrote a review a few days ago and I really loved this game https://yokupoku.surge.sh/reviews/immortals-fenyx-rising-game-pc-a-way-better-zelda-botw/
my review of #immortalfenyxrising
oh man such a pity.
I loved #immortalfenyxrising, I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed breath of the wild.
I had bought #ImmortalFenyxRising few months ago and I have been playing it non stop for the last week.
I know it is a ripoff of the second last Legend of Zelda, but I don't care, I am enjoying this loads.
I started playing Immortal Fenyx Rising recently and just discovered the photo mode. I took a few shots of my character ☺️
#immortalFenyxRising #InGamePhotography #gamePhoto #photoMode
#photomode #gamephoto #InGamePhotography #immortalfenyxrising