7 Glaring Issues in The Adam and Eve Story | Deconstructing Genesis 2-3
#deconstruction #deconstructingchristianity #deconstructingfaith
From anachronisms to bad science, the story of Adam & Eve is one shrouded in mystery and questions. I narrowed my observations down to just 7 glaring issues with the account from Genesis 2-3.
#Christianvsatheist #atheist #deconversion #exchristian #exvangelical #immortality #sin #adamandeve #Genesis #judaism #christianity #apologist #sundayschool #cults
#deconstruction #deconstructingchristianity #deconstructingfaith #christianvsatheist #atheist #deconversion #exchristian #exvangelical #immortality #sin #adamandeve #genesis #judaism #christianity #apologist #sundayschool #cults
Adam chose to walk in independence, and that relationship with creation - the relationship with the spiritual realms - was disconnected. Jesus came to reconnect it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PLwKc2yGEw
Mike Parsons | #mysticmentoring #youtube #immortality
#mysticmentoring #youtube #immortality
well, i wasn't able to get #Immortality to run while it was on xbox game pass so i guess i can get spoiled by the reviews now :'(
What is your favorite #ScienceFiction #book about #immortality and immortal characters?
#sciencefiction #book #immortality
Immortality, una versione PS5 è in sviluppo
#halfmermaid #immortality #sambarlow
With #totk no longer monopolising my game time, I finally made a start on #Immortality. I thought it had only been sitting neglected for a couple of months, but no, it’s basically a whole year, I’m just that rubbish. Anyway, bloody hell. It’s SO good. A little daunting to get into, but I’m properly gripped now. Amazing work.
It is by no means a unique observation, but I am not particularly bothered by my own demise, whenever it happens, but would like for all the people I love to survive me. Actually, that might even be selfish.
It is by no means a unique observation, but I am not particularly bothered by my own demise, whenever it happens, but would like for all the people I love to survive me. Actually, that might even be selfish.
Quite frankly, a lot of people would live forever even if love had to die.
Quite frankly, a lot of people would live forever even if love had to die.
#Ancient #Egypt had a perception of their place in history superior to the Ancient Greeks. The Egyptians believe in the #immortality of the soul; they preserved the royal corpses for #millennia on end; they kept meticulous records of the names and years of their kings going back centuries.
Classical #Greece did none of this; nor did they even have a word in their vernacular for an “hour” or any other precise fraction of a day.
#TheDeclineOfTheWest #oswaldspengler #spengler #greece #millennia #immortality #egypt #ancient
Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen meine lieben Internetties!
Guess who's back: heute ab 14 Uhr #Immortality
http://twitch.tv/moep0r_ & http://YouTube.com/OMGWTFBBQ1337de/live ✌
Immortality and Mortality in Duolingo. #111Words #Duolingo #Immortality #Mortality #StrangeSentences https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/immortality-and-mortality-in-duolingo.html
#strangesentences #mortality #immortality #duolingo #111words
无人能够理解真正的不朽,直到他们品尝过死亡的滋味。💀🔮 #DarkArts #Immortality #PowerBeyondMeasure
#darkarts #immortality #powerbeyondmeasure
Just finished #Immortality by Half Mermaid. Feels like the thesis of Sam Barlow's work thus far. One of the rare #games where the player mechanics are perfectly in sync with the subject matter. A game that has something to say. A wild swing that really hit the mark for me.
It's a difficult game to talk about without major spoilers, but I was equal parts scared shitless and deeply moved.
“Candy says…”
#immortality #games #interactive #videogames #gaming #horror
#JamesTabor - Imagining #Immortality and #EternalLife
#Philosophy #Religion #PhilosophyOfReligion #Death #Life #Afterlife #Prayer #HistoryOfReligion #Resurrection #Metamorphosis #Paul #StPaul #SaintPaul #Heaven #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #heaven #saintpaul #stpaul #paul #metamorphosis #resurrection #historyofreligion #prayer #afterlife #life #death #philosophyofreligion #religion #philosophy #eternallife #immortality #jamestabor
A quotation from Campbell, Thomas:
And is he dead whose glorious mind
Lifts thine on high?
To live in the hearts we leave
Is not to die!
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #immortality #impact #inspiration #meme #memorial #memory #remembrance #tribute
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #immortality #impact #inspiration #meme #memorial #memory #Remembrance #tribute
Real #Immortality would rather be a curse than a blessing.
What do you do with Trump after 200 years?
Those 🤬 Supreme Court judges still there after 200 years. Arrgh.
The Senate and the House are already gerontocracies, now it will be even worse.
There will be no scientific progress, Prof. Struldbrugg does NOT approve of the new fangled ideas of the new generation.
You will get BORED out of your mind.