RT @RaffyFlynnArt@twitter.com
I've tried to warn my friends and my family about immune dysregulation using multiple citations and evidence from studies in renowned medical journals, but, for reasons only known to them, it's not sinking in.
So I've moved onto 'Plan B'
#PCID #ImmuneDysregulation #ImmuneDamage
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RaffyFlynnArt/status/1619791454435700736
#immunedamage #immunedysregulation #pcid
2 of 8 guitar students out with #covid. Another tested positive, but soldiered on - while his wife has #longcovid.
A 4th recovering from "Not Covid" from last week, but with a curious, stacatto dry "cough, cough".
3 of 4 large local hospitals at capacity.
#Walgreens tracker (probably more legitimate than #CDC "data") n=~>40,000 shows positivity rate > 39%.
.... but "most people think "it's over".
No mainstream news or awareness of #immunedysregulation. #Longcovid with 20 million victims, no warning from the #Establishment.
I blame the #CDC, milquetoast, ignorant, or minimizing "doctors" (some are prescribing ivermectin here in Augusta Georgia), medical professionals that ignore conservative proactive measures. The politicians are being politicians; the above are not doing their job, and are revealing themselves as sociopaths.
#covid #LongCovid #walgreens #cdc #immunedysregulation #establishment #timeline #WearAMask