@semiotic_pirate I have my next dose today too. Then I’ll sleep, again, against my will. #immunoCompromise indeed.
One of the only COVID-19-prevention tools meant for the roughly 3% of Americans who are immunocompromised—albeit one that was never widely used—is off the table. “Immunocompromised Americans are screwed,” says Matthew Cortland, a senior fellow at the progressive think tank Data for Progress whose work focuses on disability, and who is immunocompromised.
#CovidIsAirbourne #Immunocompromise
#immunocompromise #covidisairbourne
Want to know what the immunodegeneration of our kids look like in the very present?
"One or two children under the age of 10 die as a result of strep A in typical winter, but five children in England and one in Wales have already lost their lives this season."
#immunocompromise #strepa #covid #SARS2 #aaids
As someone living with a uniquely rare cancer I offer peer support to others with life-limiting illnesses and facilitate support groups for people with immunocompromise and other high risk conditions trying to negotiate the isolation of this era
#immunocompromise #Pandemic #COVID #highriskconditions