Kurious1 · @Kurious1
160 followers · 3058 posts · Server mas.to

@FractalEcho @vivsmythe Though I am unable to read your linked research, I am not surprised to see that you have a PhD in Philosophy and are currently a member of faculty at Rutgers? That information gives some insight.

It is a moral and ethical dilemma that global society has made decisions regarding the current pandemic that will increase deaths for a minority of the world population.

#pandemic #mortality #immunocompromised #disabled #elderly #COVID19

Last updated 1 year ago

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals: clinicians-exchange.org
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers: lem.clinicians-exchange.org

Healthy adults not dying, but the elderly and immune compromised are.

Sobering stats and a huge study from the VA on why healthy adults want to avoid long COVID -- and how long COVID may be more common than you think.

Paxlovid -- Not only reduces complications and death, but according to one study reduces risk of long COVID by 26% over a six month period.

On masks: "If you gave the average healthy adult in America a button they could push once per day that would miraculously save the life of a random terminal patient they don't know, I figure like 60% of people wouldn't even bother to push the button on the way out the door to work each morning."

Study: Why You Should Avoid COVID Even if You're "Healthy"



NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot

#covid #longcovid #covidisnotover #masks #research #publichealth #paxlovid #veteransaffairs #immunocompromised

Last updated 1 year ago

notes · @notes
355 followers · 1864 posts · Server social.coop

Be Safe!

“We are concerned whenever we see additional hospitalizations and serious illness due to in . We continue to remind our community that the best protection is to stay up to date on . It is also important to test if you have and stay home from work or school if you are ill. Individuals who are higher risk, such as people who are , may want to consider or avoiding crowded places . . . ”

#covid19 #newmexico #vaccinations #symptoms #immunocompromised #masking

Last updated 1 year ago

notes · @notesencantos
83 followers · 165 posts · Server disabled.social

Be Safe!

“We are concerned whenever we see additional hospitalizations and serious illness due to in . We continue to remind our community that the best protection is to stay up to date on . It is also important to test if you have and stay home from work or school if you are ill. Individuals who are higher risk, such as people who are , may want to consider or avoiding crowded places . . . ”

#COVID19 #newmexico #vaccinations #symptoms #immunocompromised #masking

Last updated 1 year ago

Norobiik @Norobiik@noc.social · @Norobiik
465 followers · 7209 posts · Server noc.social

Prof Francois Balloux, director of the UCL Genetics Institute, said was the most striking strain the world has witnessed since the emergence of .

“The most plausible scenario is that the lineage acquired its mutations during a long-term infection in an person over a year ago and then spread back into the community,” he said.

New causing concern among scientists detected in | | The Guardian

#COVID19 #london #CovidVariant #immunocompromised #Omicron #covid #ba286

Last updated 1 year ago

TrangAston :verified: · @CastlTrAstonDrs
1361 followers · 2839 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Overview & characterizes in-depth the mRNA Vaccine strategies across the spectrum of individuals, focusing on the ongoing approaches to challenges facing this group as the pandemic continues to evolve. despite low antibody responses, can still be beneficial in this population as cellular immunity responses to can occur among patients with ♋️

#IDMastodon #immunocompromised #CovidVaccines #covid19vaccination

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
409 followers · 1931 posts · Server zeroes.ca

the entire thing is beyond patronizing; sounds like he’s explaining something to a small child

rather amazing that line was in there but sneakily style put next to

Also he says “especially over 50” for treatments. It’ll soon be 40 or 30🙄& nobody is going to remember because all that “

There’s an equivalent on Korean Arirang news I saw awhile back, & these “experts” have authority & are incredibly dangerous

#nlp #immunocompromised #vulnerable #brainfog #ashishjha

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1634 followers · 24850 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Julie Webgirl - Just Your Luck · @justyourluck
276 followers · 875 posts · Server masto.ai

Officials keep changing how they do things...

They make it harder to report pos(+) infections, then they take it away, then they put us on our own and give us tests that aren't as accurate, then they skew the formula...

And all some people are concerned about is that it's old people dying.

Guess they're dispensible.

I don't even hear about or (guess what! If you've had Covid, your immune system is a little FUBAR) ..


#covid #disabled #immunocompromised #covidisnotover #longcovid

Last updated 1 year ago

TrangAston :verified: · @CastlTrAstonDrs
1340 followers · 2737 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

@JCI_insight Although cautionary measures have relaxed with the passage of time and improvements in treatment, remains a potentially lethal threat, especially to those who are . The ability to rapidly screen a library of for maintained or reduced efficacy upon identification of a new strain, or the ability to select efficacious antibodies upon sequencing a patient’s infecting virus, may be invaluable.

#IDMastodon #immunology #viralimmunology #publichealth #SarsCoV2 #immunocompromised #antibodies

Last updated 1 year ago

Mainstream media in Canada ACTUALLY finally admitting the truth that

Lindsay Biscaia (news anchor/reporter) on CP24 saying “we’re not out of the pandemic yet”.

I appreciate this SO much especially as an person who is still being 🥺

#CovidIsNotOver #immunocompromised #covidcautious #covidisntover #BringBackMasks

Last updated 1 year ago

Auscandoc · @auscandoc
944 followers · 8388 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Additive effects of booster mRNA vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infection on T cell immunity across immunocompromised states | Science Translational Medicine science.org/doi/10.1126/scitra-reactive responses that increased markedly upon and correlated directly with across all patient groups. Poor vaccination responsiveness in or individuals was effectively counteracted by the administration of additional doses.”

#omicron #TCell #booster #vaccination #antibody #titers #immunocompromised #elderly

Last updated 1 year ago

Shiny Amygdala · @ShinyAmygdala
41 followers · 874 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

Cautiously "good" news:

My partner checked the area and redness has gone down. It is swollen but not as red. No streaking. Took my 12th dose of Keflex (40 doses total is the full course). Basically, the point at which I was going to go to the hospital is if there was no positive change in the direction of healing or it got worse.

We are looking for signs of worsening such as :

1) Increased redness + increased swelling

2) Red streaks moving outward to new tissue

3) fever

4) disorientation

The reason why it's wait and see at home, has to do with the fact that my immune system has been put to sleep from the Prednisone (why healing from infection has been so slow), and so I can catch a plethora of things at the hospital including COVID.

This could be so so so much worse,


Please still keep me in your thoughts, I'm not out of the hot water quite yet 🥺

Let's hope for reduced swelling by tomorrow morning 🤞

#hidradenitissuppurativa #immunocompromised #immunesystem #cellulitis #ChronicIllness #pain #anxiety #hospital #healthcare

Last updated 1 year ago

Jes Steele 🏴‍☠️ · @piratito
262 followers · 681 posts · Server mstdn.social
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1642 followers · 21632 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@chris I have multiple vids of being & refusing to put any on after being told multiple times that they need to wear them in households. I'm so angry in midst of trying to grieve for my Dad. He from too & it won't be counted as a long covid deaths either. I'm so fucking upset. All around. He got from hospital practices in first place.

#immunocompromised #covid #unsafe #died #LongCovid #saanich #police #unmasked

Last updated 1 year ago

TraceyThekla 🎨 · @rolandelli
215 followers · 1159 posts · Server sfba.social

Did a huge, overflowing cart full shopping trip at Safeway. Longest I had the elastomeric respirator on for. It worked. A little sweaty towards the end but got tons of food for the family. Already a full day for this human.

#actuallyautistic #immunocompromised

Last updated 1 year ago

Heather · @abbynormative
294 followers · 433 posts · Server mstdn.social

It is really a capital-P Problem that the only people I see talking about the rights of and people are the people affected.

Maybe you believe that you are healthy and will never have to deal with these issues. Maybe you are actually already affected but you don’t know it. Chances are *very slim* that you will never acquire any of the conditions that make people more vulnerable to and other illnesses.

#COVID #disabled #immunocompromised

Last updated 1 year ago

Sally Chocimpress Wilton · @CamberleyKate
36 followers · 219 posts · Server mindly.social

Day 17 - Total Miles 26.34
Flag Iris seen. See where I Jib-Jabbed for Cominarty. Covered.
Rod P covers Bill O covering William S.
Our heroes between Goodfellas and Good Life make trandemic attempt to save the country.

#walk31milesinmay #dementiauk #immunocompromised #riptbt

Last updated 1 year ago

blue loves kat (and cats) · @bun
165 followers · 628 posts · Server disabled.social

We are at $165/$289! :boost_requested:

Funds needed to rescue important medical & legal docs from failing laptop. The docs are essential to their battle to get housing!

(I am collecting the funds to buy the equipment since they can’t accept money on SSI.)


NOTE: this mutual aid request is separate from my other fundraiser.

#mutualaid #disabled #immunocompromised #urgent #beg #ask

Last updated 2 years ago

For the immunocompromised, those who can’t get immunized, and others at high risk: MASKS ONLY performance today (except the cast, who are all tested and vaccinated).
2:30 PM @ Ground Floor Theatre (Springdale at Airport)


#atxtheatre #theatre #actorslife #itsnotover #wearamask #getvaccinated #getboosted #covid19 #immunocompromised

Last updated 2 years ago