AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
232 followers · 3040 posts · Server

Back in : Started 's second book (de: ) and I like it a lot!
In my eyes, there is a focus on power, abuse of power, self-righteousness and corruption. Presenting the story from the perspective of an assistant is quite clever and interesting. Similarities to 's remain in view of the same root, but they decrease in my opinion. In any case, the corresponding silliness is missing.

#fantasy #holyromanempire #RichardSwan #empireifthewolf #tyrannyoffaith #imnetzdesdamons #GW #oldworld #recommended #books

Last updated 1 year ago

AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
204 followers · 3151 posts · Server

Still not finished, but I‘m falling in love with Richard Swan‘s , and I‘m already looking forward to (de: ), the second book in the series. There is a chance they become one of my favorite series.
Excellent characters and beautiful details, very reminiscent of Rome and the Holy Roman Empire. It‘s very political, and fanatism matters!

The book covers are also beautiful!

#justiceofkings #tyrannyoffaith #imnetzdesdamons #fantasy #religion #highfantasy #books #TheOldWorld #Thriller #recommended

Last updated 1 year ago