Back in #fantasy #HolyRomanEmpire: Started #RichardSwan's second #EmpireiftheWolf book #TyrannyofFaith (de: #ImNetzdesDämons) and I like it a lot!
In my eyes, there is a focus on power, abuse of power, self-righteousness and corruption. Presenting the story from the perspective of an assistant is quite clever and interesting. Similarities to #GW's #OldWorld remain in view of the same root, but they decrease in my opinion. In any case, the corresponding silliness is missing.
#Recommended #books
#fantasy #holyromanempire #RichardSwan #empireifthewolf #tyrannyoffaith #imnetzdesdamons #GW #oldworld #recommended #books
Still not finished, but I‘m falling in love with Richard Swan‘s #JusticeofKings, and I‘m already looking forward to #TyrannyofFaith (de: #ImNetzdesDämons), the second book in the series. There is a chance they become one of my favorite #Fantasy series.
Excellent characters and beautiful details, very reminiscent of Rome and the Holy Roman Empire. It‘s very political, #religion and fanatism matters!
The book covers are also beautiful!
#justiceofkings #tyrannyoffaith #imnetzdesdamons #fantasy #religion #highfantasy #books #TheOldWorld #Thriller #recommended