When others take issue with me about why Mastodon advocates, which should be all of us, should try to persuade journalists to set up accounts here, as part of pulling the plug on #ElonMusk's hellsite, I may disagree with part or all of what they say. However, if I agree with part of what they argue, I'm happy to Boost it, and then explain, respectfully, why I'm still unconvinced, unless of course one of you does convince me. I can't persuade you if I have a closed mind. Maybe I'm wrong? #ImNot
Good luck out there you horny fucks.
#STD #SuperGonorrhea #DontBeAFoolWrapYourTool #AlsoLysolYourDickMaybe #ImNotADoctor #OrAmI #ImNot #ButSeriouslyPracticeSafeSex #ItsNastyOutThere
#std #supergonorrhea #dontbeafoolwrapyourtool #alsolysolyourdickmaybe #imnotadoctor #orami #imnot #butseriouslypracticesafesex #itsnastyoutthere
As someone who has spent a premium for years on #CageFree #FreeRange #Eggs I'd just like to welcome everyone to the club. Hopefully we this will be the death of factory farming as humanity won't make it if we don't focus on #Sustainability
#HippieToots #ImNotAHippieThough #OrAmI #ImNot #EggPrices
#cagefree #freerange #eggs #sustainability #hippietoots #imnotahippiethough #orami #imnot #eggprices
I am NOT going to buy a guitar every time I finish a level on Fender Play. #ImNot