AC/DC blasting out on my radio this morning, a neighbour says to me later, "You're a bit old to be listening to that kinda music," er, why?
At what age does one become too old to listen to rock music?
I'm only 73 ffs!
@Ten Some folks, like me, would be interested in some retro posts. My first game system was an Atari on a black and white tv.
I've reached the point where all my healthcare workers tell me I remind them of their mom.
#Aging #ImNotOld #AgingIsFun #GettingOlder #EveryonesMom #BeingAMom #AgingMoms #HowToGrowOld #Healthcare
#aging #imnotold #agingisfun #gettingolder #everyonesmom #beingamom #agingmoms #howtogrowold #healthcare
@magnus919 it would be like BSS'es again. - what node are you on?
It also reminded me of the old newsgroup platform... #ImNotOld