"vroum vroum" 2/3
Need for Speed (2014)
Le scénario et les répliques sont d’une rare vacuité, d’un tel niveau que ça relève du foutage de gueule.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/need_for_speed/critique/293215396
#NeeFforSpeed #ScottWaugh #AaronPaul #DominicCooper #ImogenPoots #RamiMalek #DakotaJohnson #MichaelKeaton #Film #Cinema #Voiture #Course #Bolide #Pilote #CourseAutomobile
#neefforspeed #scottwaugh #aaronpaul #dominiccooper #imogenpoots #ramimalek #dakotajohnson #michaelkeaton #film #cinema #voiture #course #bolide #pilote #courseautomobile
In today's review, I find the holiday season murder on grades. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2019 horror remake Black Christmas #ImogenPoots
#MadeleineAdams http://therealmrpositive.com/2022/12/22/black-christmas-2019/
#positive #imogenpoots #aleyseshanno #lilydonoghue #brittanyo #calebeberhardt #caryelwes #simonmead #madeleineadams
#directorkristenstewart incoming!!! Imogen Poots will lead Kristen Stewart’s feature directorial debut ‘THE CHRONOLOGY OF WATER’, the adaptation of Lidia Yuknavitch. The film will be produced by Ridley Scott’s Scott Free #kristenstewart #imogenpoots #lidiayuknavitch #thechronologyofwater #adaptation
#adaptation #thechronologyofwater #lidiayuknavitch #imogenpoots #KristenStewart #directorkristenstewart