A voice from the 5th International Marine Protected Area Congress (IMPAC5), co-hosted by IUCN https://www.iucn.org/blog/202302/voice-5th-international-marine-protected-area-congress-impac5-co-hosted-iucn #IMPAC5 #IUCN #Vancouver
IMPAC5’s impact: Marine protection makes progress at international oceans summit in Vancouver https://wwf.ca/stories/impac5-marine-protection-mpas-oceans-summit/ #IMPAC5 #Oceans #Evaluation
RT @NathanJBennett
So, I am in the @IMPAC5Canada session on “Gender and Marine Conservation” - there are only 4 men.
Men, we need to show up in solidarity and listen!
#marsosci #womenandthesea #impac5
fired up from learning about protected area work from around the workd at #impac5 ! I'll be presenting (Wed) with Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society on implementing a #justtransition towards a blue #conservation economy in Canada. 11:30 in room 109 🐋
#impac5 #justtransition #conservation
Hey Vancouver! Minister Guilbeault will be at IMPAC5 this Thursday morning. Can you join us for a fun photo action and tell him to stop Woodfibre LNG from harming seals and sea lions?
WHEN: Thursday, 9th February, 2023, 8:30 - 10:30 am
WHERE: Vancouver Convention Centre, outside east entrance.
RSVP: https://myseatosky.org/events/tell-minister-guilbeault-protect-seals-sea-lions-from-woodfibre-lng/
#StopWoodfibreLNG #EndFossilFossils #StopFracking #FossilFreeBC #Vancouver #Squamish #Environment #Seals #IMPAC5 #MarineMammals #Conservation
#stopwoodfibrelng #endfossilfossils #StopFracking #fossilfreebc #vancouver #squamish #environment #Seals #impac5 #marinemammals #conservation
Congratulations to #Pitcairn for winning a #BlueParkAward at #IMPAC5 for impactful #MarineConservation work #UKOT #SmallPlaces
#pitcairn #blueparkaward #impac5 #marineconservation #ukot #smallplaces
RT @dobura
A beautiful piece on #dignity based practice that is wholly relevant to todays discussions on #biodiversity #climate and #justice. It transforms the power relationships to what we say they should be, but still don’t do. Please discuss at #IMPAC5. #IPBES #IPLC https://twitter.com/seyeabimbola/status/1621422379292594176
#iplc #ipbes #impac5 #justice #climate #biodiversity #dignity
Big news from @IMPAC5Canada! Coastal First Nations and federal and provincial partners endorse plan to create #MarineProtectedAreas Network.
Learn more: https://coastalfirstnations.ca/marine-protected-area-network-partners-endorse-plan-to-protect-bcs-north-coast/
#IMPAC5 #GreatBearSea
#marineprotectedareas #impac5 #greatbearsea
From Friday, but an important headline: #Canada promises #Indigenous #partnerships, 10 new #marine #conservation #areas as international #oceans summit kicks off #IMPAC5 https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/02/03/news/indigenous-partnerships-marine-conservation-impac5
#impac5 #oceans #areas #Conservation #marine #partnerships #Indigenous #Canada
RT @thenarwhalca
One of the largest Canadian protected areas ever is expected to be announced this week at #IMPAC5, a global marine protection forum.
Called Tang.ɢwan-ḥačxʷiqak-Tsig̱is, the new area off the B.C. coast will be 133,000 km2.
@jwsthomson has the details.
Global News BC: Global ocean protection conference in B.C. looks to build on COP15 work https://globalnews.ca/news/9457175/global-ocean-conservation-conference-impac5-vancouver/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UNoceanconservationconference #IMPAC5conferencevancouver #OceanConservation #IMPAC5conference #marineprotection #COP15conference #StevenGuilbeaul #cop15montreal #Environment #MarineLife #Politics #Canada #IMPAC5
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #unoceanconservationconference #impac5conferencevancouver #oceanconservation #impac5conference #marineprotection #cop15conference #stevenguilbeaul #cop15montreal #environment #marinelife #politics #Canada #impac5
REMINDER 🌊 Register today to attend this #OceanLiteracy event on how to amplify #ocean values and frame ocean messages in a research-led, evidence-based approach.
➡️ https://www.oceanliteracydialogues.com/sessions/technology
#OceanCommunications @NatalieGHart@twitter.com @CommsInc@twitter.com @Gege1979@twitter.com @ltrethew@twitter.com @sonyaslee@twitter.com #IMPAC5
#OceanLiteracy #ocean #oceancommunications #impac5
🎧 #IMPAC5 launched #ProtectingBlueNature podcast about the challenges facing the world ocean today and the people/organisations creating a blue future.
Listen now the episodes featuring @MinnaEpps@twitter.com @IUCNOcean@twitter.com and @SeaAroundUs@twitter.com Dr. Daniel Pauly: https://www.impac5.ca/2022/12/19/impac5-podcast/
Next week #IMPAC5 begins. Can't wait to see the Canadian gang @SeaBlueCanada@twitter.com @CPaws@twitter.com @DavidSuzukiFDN@twitter.com @WCELaw@twitter.com @NatureCanada@twitter.com @Oceans_North@twitter.com @EcologyAction@twitter.com @WWFCanada@twitter.com Lots to do and lots to achieve #OceanInTheRoom