Mandy Watson · @MandyCanUDigIt
151 followers · 282 posts · Server

I feel I have to get this off my chest - why has the word 'affected' become redundant and replaced with the seriously overused and hateful 'impacted'? I know there was always a problem with people confusing 'affect' and 'effect' but in old newspaper speak, impact was really only used when being hit by a car. Rant over, thank you for listening.

#english #language #subeditor #editor #impacted #impact #newspapers #journalism

Last updated 1 year ago

C. · @cazabon
153 followers · 3478 posts · Server

This is an to back of the user's , so they can you for money. people is very in Big Tech.

I haven't even dealt with issues in this thread, though those are hugely by this.

It also will make people by taking away a lot of .

This is pure . Hunt down "Web Environment Integrity" wherever it lives, and kill it with fire.


#attempt #wrest #control #web #experience #abuse #abusing #profitable #Accessibility #impacted #unsafe #anonymity #choices #evil #killitwithfire #webenvironmentintegrity

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1397 followers · 14968 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1306 followers · 12502 posts · Server

are a people - we depend on the coast, and ice for our , and , ” Sara Olsvig, ICC’s International Chair, said in a statement.

“From an Inuit perspective, like , all are , and – when one dimension is there is a cascade amongst structures across , and elements.

#inuit #maritime #ocean #sea #foodsecurity #culture #economy #humanrights #livingBeings #interrelated #interdependent #interconnected #impacted #dynamic #connecting #ecological #abiotic #biotic #cultural

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyle Keesling · @kylekeesling
39 followers · 27 posts · Server

I love optimism and understand people wanting to be diplomatic as they look for their next opportunity, but to say that you were “impacted” by the recent tech layoffs just doesn’t sit right with me.

In reality you were deserted by employer due to their own mismanagement and in many cases also their greediness.

#impacted #layoffs #rif #tech

Last updated 2 years ago