@Ndolo @dr_norb @dandelionhub @academicchatter @academiamemes @wahandisifoundation @wakenya @africanresearchers
#ImpactFactorIsFake We need, as scientists, to take a stance and boycott impact factor. It leads to exclusion of underrepresented voices, ECRs, reduced funding for the same, & what does it ACTUALLY do for us? Let's RPT committees out of having to read papers in a dossier? All it does it give a false metric by which to automatically discount someone's science. Only we can change this.
@dr_norb @dandelionhub @academicchatter
You should be picking your journal based on the intended audience, not impact factor anyway. My postdoc work was important, but mostly to Fish and Game practitioners in the region where the organism lived. There was no really value to picking a journal those managers didn't read or wouldn't see.
It's time for academics to stop whinging about a broken RPT system that drives $$ to publishers and DO SOMETHING. #ImpactFactorIsFake
@dr_norb @dandelionhub @academicchatter
Funny thing though, impact factor is fake. With indexing of journals in online searches, there's no need for impact factors. <sarcasm>Oh no! People will have to read a paper and think about its merit. The horror</s> honestly, the number of Nature, Science, and PNAS #PopGen / #GWAS articles that have crap sampling or aren't ethically justifiable is unreal. We can do better.
#impactfactorisfake #gwas #popgen