Using a simple test 969 people of 69 years with no cognitive impairment had categorize items on cards. Based on how well they did it was possible to make prediction of how likely it is that they develop cognitive impairment within ten years. See #cognition #impairment #test
@Xna_NaJu Hi,
I enjoy the cartoons, but just wanted to tell/remind you that here in #Mastodon there's a policy they should be #captioned: just a line describing the situation and a (automatically generated) transcription of the dialogue/text in the pic. That's great for people with #sight #impairment and also can be good for the non-#disabled.
#captioned #disabled #impairment #sight #mastodon
Marathon Digital bungles crypto impairment sums, will reissue financials - The Bitcoin miner received a letter from the SEC on Feb. 22 which... - #financialstatements #marathondigital #corescientific #earningscall #annualreport #impairment #accounting #principal #audited #agent
#agent #audited #principal #accounting #impairment #annualreport #earningscall #corescientific #marathondigital #financialstatements
Greater control of #bloodpressure means less risk of cognitive #impairment and #dementia, study finds
#dementia #impairment #bloodpressure
Identification of elderly persons at risk of developing #cognitive #impairment and #dementia could be made possible by examining #ergothioneine levels in the blood
#Biology #Chemistry #Neuroscience #sflorg
#cognitive #impairment #dementia #Ergothioneine #biology #chemistry #neuroscience #sflorg
Identification of elderly persons at risk of developing #cognitive #impairment and #dementia could be made possible by examining #ergothioneine levels in the blood
#Biology #Chemistry #Neuroscience #sflorg
#cognitive #impairment #dementia #Ergothioneine #biology #chemistry #neuroscience #sflorg
A New Combination #Therapy for #alzheimers #disease #Animal #Trial Shows Encouraging Results | Study shows a new combination therapy of two plant-derived compounds to reverse #cognitive #impairment in mice
#therapy #alzheimers #disease #animal #trial #cognitive #impairment
The development of #speechreading skills in Chinese students with #hearing #impairment
Studies of age-related #developmental patterns in speechreading are all over the place - differing on so many things: e.g., level of language analysed; sound with/out lipreading; task distractor type; item familiarity; responses type; longitudinal or cross-sectional, different age groups, etc - nice intro here & a cross-sectional large N study of Mandarin speakers with HI.
#developmental #impairment #hearing #speechreading
And this is what my #book is about:
How a #disease, #impairment, or #oldage could prevent both secular and regular clerics from fulfilling their duties, and what has been authorized by the Popes to allow them to enter the clergy, benefit from accommodation or resign from their position!
In my opinion, it shows how #medieval #disability worked in relation to the papacy as an institution, alongside highlighting the impact of official ecclesiastical judgments on disabled lives. 💜
#book #disease #impairment #OldAge #medieval #disability
Last, we benchmarked DLC-tracking performance against popular functional tests to detect #stroke-related functional motor #impairment. We evaluated the tests not only by their ability to detect deficits but also taking other key performance indicators into account
Marathon Digital Posts Negative Q2 Results, but Increases Bitcoin Production 8% YoY
#MarathonDigitalHoldings #negativeresults #Cryptocurrency #impairment #Bitcoin #Mining #mining
#MarathonDigitalHoldings #negativeresults #cryptocurrency #impairment #bitcoin #mining
Habt ihr einen Tipp für mich, wer hier richtig gute #Bildbeschreibung für Menschen mit #Sehbehinderung oder blinde Menschen schreibt? Ich würde gerne hinzulernen und reines Bücherwissen hilft mir nicht weiter. Ich muss es mal sehen.
Do you have a tip for me who writes really good picture #descriptions for people with #visualImpairment here on Fediverse? I'd like to learn and pure book knowledge is not helping me right now. I'll have to see.
#barrierefreiheit #impairment #blind #followerpower #visualimpairment #descriptions #sehbehinderung #bildbeschreibung