Clarence Thomas' 38 Vacations: The Billionaires Who Have Treated Supreme Court Justice To Luxury Travel - HuffPost #ClarenceThomasMustResignNow or #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow
#impeachclarencethomasnow #clarencethomasmustresignnow
Come on! WTF?!? #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #SCOTUS #JohnRoberts #SupremeCorruption
'Not appropriate': Lawyers with Supreme Court business sent Venmo payments to former Clarence Thomas aide
#supremecorruption #johnroberts #SCOTUS #impeachclarencethomasnow
What's the penalty for lying in a Supreme Court filing? Asking for 303 Creative v. Elenis.
#SCOTUS #SupremeCorruption #LorieSmith #JohnRoberts #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow
#impeachclarencethomasnow #johnroberts #loriesmith #supremecorruption #SCOTUS
Some conservative justices are worried about going too far, or Republicans are overplaying their hand with the court’s conservative majority. #SCOTUS #VotingRights #Alabama #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow
Why Two Supreme Court Conservatives Just Saved The Voting Rights Act
#impeachclarencethomasnow #alabama #VotingRights #SCOTUS
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a piece of $H¡†.
There, I said it.
#scotus #impeachclarencethomasnow
#Illinois senator #DickDurbin rejected #HarlanCrow's claim that #Congress lacks the authority to pass #EthicsLegislation that applies to #SupremeCourt justices, and mocked the idea that Crow doesn’t need to provide information to the panel because it’s a separation-of-powers issue.
“Mr. Crow does not work, and has never worked, for the Supreme Court,” said Durbin.
#illinois #dickdurbin #harlancrow #congress #ethicslegislation #supremecourt #scotus #impeachclarencethomasnow
#SupremeCorruption #SCOTUS #GOPTraitors #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #JohnRoberts
Top Senate Democrats push for new ethics rules in wake of Clarence Thomas report as Republicans defend justice
#johnroberts #impeachclarencethomasnow #goptraitors #SCOTUS #supremecorruption
Clarence Thomas may as well start selling fentanyl on the street...
#CorruptClarence #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #SCOTUS #SupremeCorruption #GOP
Clarence Thomas benefactor Harlan Crow revealed to have paid for relative's private school tuition
#gop #supremecorruption #SCOTUS #impeachclarencethomasnow #corruptclarence
#ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #SupremeCorruption #SCOTUS #JohnRoberts #SupremeJoke
The real reason for the Supreme Court’s corruption crisis
#supremejoke #johnroberts #SCOTUS #supremecorruption #impeachclarencethomasnow
@DemocracyMattersALot #ImpeachClarenceThomasNow. He is a liar and a corrupt POS.
For all his “independence and integrity,” Justice Thomas could not, for the life of him, figure out normal instructions on normal federal tax forms that require normal federal tax filers to disclose the earnings of spouses. For four years, despite Ginni Thomas receiving nearly $700,000 in income from the Heritage Foundation, Justice Thomas said that she had no income. He said oops, later, “due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions.”
#supremecorruption #impeachclarencethomasnow
Clarence Thomas’ failure to disclose gifts may be a ‘tipping point’ for SCOTUS
#ImpeachClarenceThomasNow #ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #SupremeCorruption
#supremecorruption #SupremeCourt #clarencethomas #impeachclarencethomasnow
Whether or not Clarence Thomas has violated ethics laws, he has almost certainly committed tax fraud.
Clarence: have you heard of Al Capone?
#IRS #AuditClarenceThomas
#impeachclarencethomasnow #clarencethomas #auditclarencethomas #irs
Not just a partisan hack, but an actual crook!