A thing I can never remember about English, but might now because I am writing this down, is that a thousand kilograms is a tonne. A ton, on the other hand, can be short or long, one is more than a tonne and while the other is less.
People talk about imperial units as if it is a system. It is not. It is just a collection of random measurements, some of which share a name but might not share a value.
#metricsystem #imperialmeasurements
So in the absence of an active keyholder gatekeeping my orgasms, I'm currently going with weight loss targets. Started from 243lbs (~104kg) about a month ago. Currently at 236lbs (~107kg)
Going with being allowed an orgasm once I reach weight loss target of 230lbs (~104kg), and maintain for a least a week.
Next target will going to be 220lbs (~100kg).
Oh, and I want to go with having someone else responsible for those pew pew :)
#chastity #imperialmeasurements
Much to my surprise the plans I was looking at today are old enough to be pre-metric. The drafter was apparently so convinced that everyone would just know what units of measurement they were using that the only reference to them is in the scale, which is in inches and chains. CHAINS!
#imperialmeasurements #oldplans
Ive just been reminded of this tweet about the campaign to renew imperial measures....
Its a quick lesson in #NonTariffBarriers:
States want imports measured in local units (frequently #Metric);
UK reverts to #ImperialMeasurements;
importers to UK confront a costly amendment to packaging;
exporters have to maintain two pack-types;
NTBs can be simple but significant - another case of #Brexiters sacrificing real #economics for fantasy nostalgia & head-in-the-sand-ness (if that's a thing)
#nontariffbarriers #metric #imperialmeasurements #brexiters #economics