@calmeilles @Heather_Herbert @rickmans Being a buttinsky.

You mention Charlemagne/Karl der Große. 🤣 My neighborhood is in the ruins of one of his Imperial Palaces. The is literally "across the street." Our trash cans are stashed "out back" behind an 12th century fortification tower/wall when the Palace and city were extended and fortified.

#aularegia #kaiserpfalzingelheim #imperialpalaceingelheim #holyromanempire #Charlemagne #karldergroße

Last updated 2 years ago

Good morning, Mastodon. Tea is steeping.

Why are 🍊🤡 and his 🇷🇺-financed insurrectionist cohorts not yet in custody? Who's the 3rd world shithole now?


PS - fuck you, 🚀boy.

Today's agenda: I need to get off the Palace grounds and tootle about in the weak sunshine. Perhaps I'll post pictures when I get back.

#arrestdonaldtrump #DomesticTerrorists #kaiserpfalzingelheim #imperialpalaceingelheim #holyromanempire #Charlemagne #karldergroße

Last updated 2 years ago