#Lovecraft im #ImperiumRomanum
Wie ich gerade über den Newsletter der Deutsche Lovecraft Gesellschaft e.V. erfahren habe, gibt es hier einen kostenlosen Schnellstarter-Guide:
"Cohors Cthulhu is a roleplaying game of Lovecraftian cosmic horror set against a backdrop of epic heroism, intrigue, and strife during the height of the Roman Empire."
From the blood-spilling violence of god-killing and gladiatorial combat..⚔️
...to meticulous strategizing over virtual Roman Empires and often bizarre adventures in pseudo-ancient places. 🏦
Another great #GameStudies entry in the #TheVideoGameLibrary:
#Archaeogaming #Greece #AncientGreece #Rome #AncientRome #RomanEmpire #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Eleusis #GodOfWar #ImperiumRomanum #SalammbôBattleforCarthage #TotalWar #RomeTotalWar #Books #Books @bookstodon
#Books #rometotalwar #totalwar #salammbobattleforcarthage #imperiumromanum #GodofWar #Eleusis #videogame #videogames #Gaming #romanempire #ancientrome #rome #ancientgreece #Greece #archaeogaming #thevideogamelibrary #gamestudies