Poor planning for coming #Climate impacts! The result is a concrete sprawl of buildings, roads and other infrastructure.
“China’s rapid urbanization has led to a proliferation of #impermeable surfaces,” he says. “Green spaces such as #parks and gardens play a vital role in water retention. Their dwindling presence due to #urbanization diminishes their capacity to effectively manage excessive rainfall.”
#keepitintheground #DeterioratingCarbonSinks #AcceleratingKeelingCurve
#climate #impermeable #parks #Urbanization #keepitintheground #deterioratingcarbonsinks #acceleratingkeelingcurve
it's #SpitballSunday
(yes i just made this hashtag up because I wanted an excuse to post the following)
#MassTransit and #PublicTransit
because #CarbonReduction in #Transportation
also because less #LandUse footprint with higher density
also because less time wasted finding a freaking parking space
also because better #HabitatConnectivity with a mixed matrix of green spaces amongst urbanization, serving as #WildlifeCorridors
this in turn improves #watershed recharge and reduces #stormwater management and #flooding problems because there's less #impermeable surfaces
mixed matrix of businesses, residences, and green spaces improves local economic #resilience by helping local businesses, and also improves #SenseOfPlace
sure, some people will want to live far out in the exurbs on big lawns but not everyone should be condemned to this #CarCentric infrastructure
#spitballsunday #Masstransit #publictransit #carbonreduction #transportation #landuse #habitatconnectivity #wildlifecorridors #Watershed #stormwater #flooding #impermeable #resilience #SenseOfPlace #carcentric
Impermeable Surfaces and Flooding
“We spend billions of dollars to pave over paradise,
then we realise we have flooding problems. So we spend billions more to build concrete channels to get the water away from us. Then we realise we have a water supply problem, so we spend billions more to pump water in from elsewhere ... It’s insane and not sustainable.”
"Storms and floods do little for the sprawling, paved-over city, as almost every drop runs out to sea. Private property owners are now charged 2.5 cents per square foot of #Impermeable surface area on their land." Stormwater-capturing gardens could also help.
#floods #water #PolluterPays #Stormwater tax
#impermeable #floods #water #polluterpays #stormwater
Est-ce que je devrais me trouver un (sur)pantalon #imperméable mais pas trop chaud ? 🤔 J'ai fait trois, quatre fois 30 minutes de #vélo (vélib') 🚴 sous la #pluie 🌧️ ces derniers jours et je suis arrivé à chaque fois avec le #pantalon trempé à part le haut des cuisses protégé par le manteau.
#impermeable #velo #pluie #pantalon
C'est peut-être la question qu'on me pose le plus : "et la #pluie comment tu fais ?"
Ma réponse : oh mais il y a eu incroyable découverte scientifique récemment.
"Ah bon ? Quoi ?"
"Une révolution — le vêtement #imperméable #velotaf ☔