New research article in The Lancet Microbe>
Evaluating the role of asymptomatic throat carriage of #Streptococcus pyogenes in #impetigo transmission in remote Aboriginal communities in Northern Territory, #Australia: a retrospective genomic analysis
#australia #impetigo #streptococcus
Scharlakansfeber, halsfluss, rosfeber och svinkoppor
Scharlakansfeber, halsfluss, rosfeber och svinkoppor (impetigo) är sjukdomar som alla orsakas av en och samma bakterie. En streptokock som kallas betahemolytiska grupp A-streptokocker (GAS) eller
#Hälsa #Sjukdomar #Vård #Antibiotika #Blodförgiftning #Dödsfall #Gas #Halsfluss #Impetigo #Rosfeber #Scharlakansfeber #Sepsis #Streptokocker #Svinkoppor
#svinkoppor #streptokocker #sepsis #scharlakansfeber #rosfeber #impetigo #halsfluss #gas #dodsfall #blodforgiftning #Antibiotika #vard #sjukdomar #halsa
Across the #Arctic, the #permafrost is collapsing, threatening the buildings, roads, pipelines and traditional #hunting and trapping territories. Permafrost also stores #methane .... contributing to #ClimateChange.
All that water is encouraging mould growth. #Floods have spread raw #sewage throughout the #community. #Children experience #asthma and #impetigo, a rash caused by #bacteria.
#arctic #permafrost #hunting #methane #ClimateChange #floods #sewage #community #children #asthma #impetigo #bacteria