Hi 👋 I'm new here and looking for participants, but also looking for other people who are interested in user experiences in VR for education or just VR for education, in general. I'm attaching my flyer in the hopes someone might know some interested teachers. #intro #teaching #STEM #VR #Research #edTech #education #VRforSTEM #middleschool #instruction #STEMInstruction #ImmersiveVirtualReality #VRResearch #IVR #UXResearch #Implementation #ImplementationResearch
#intro #teaching #stem #vr #research #edtech #Education #vrforstem #middleschool #instruction #steminstruction #immersivevirtualreality #vrresearch #ivr #UXResearch #implementation #implementationresearch
RT @jennymriches@twitter.com
IP@CS STudy Adaptation Workshop participants train each other to perform vaginal cleansing to reduce the risk of deep surgical site infection following Caesarean section #implementationresearch #globalhealth #maternalhealth #caesareansection @MlwTrust@twitter.com @Maternal_MLW@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jennymriches/status/1595839011645431808
#caesareansection #maternalhealth #globalhealth #implementationresearch