I love the #implication that somehow #Biden killed those #police like they’re trying to trick me into #voting for Biden.
:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:
#implication #biden #police #voting
I should have been more precise. The two formal expressions
(2|x ^ 3|x) -> 6|x
(2|x -> 6|x) v (3|x -> 6|x)
are equivalent. However, it is less clear cut with their ordinary language translations:
"If x is divisible by 2 and x is divisible by 3, then x is divisible by 6."
"If x is divisible by 2, then x is divisible by 6, or if x is divisible by 3, then x is divisible by 6."
#logic #implication #conditional
#logic #implication #conditional
Should have been more precise. The two formal expressions
(2|x ^ 3|x) -> 6|x
(2|x -> 6|x) v (3|x -> 6|x)
are equivalent. However, it is less clear cut with their ordinary language translations:
"If x is divisible by 2 and x is divisible by 3, then x is divisible by 6."
"If x is divisible by 2, then x is divisible by 6, or if x is divisible by 3, then x is divisible by 6."
#logic #implication
Example 2: write a|x for "x is divisible by a" or "a divides x". Then
(2|x ^ 3|x) -> 6|x
(2|x -> 6|x) v (3|x -> 6|x)
In both cases, the first form is natural and obvious and the second is something you'd normally never write. But, if pressed, maybe you'd bite the bullet and agree it's an equivalent form. I'm still undecided but I enjoyed the paper.
#logic #implication #conditional (3/3)
#logic #implication #conditional
Material implication P -> Q is equivalent to ~P v Q. It is generally agreed that the "if P, then Q" construction in ordinary language is not always the same as material implication. However, when you study mathematics, you're trained to think that, in mathematics, "if P, then Q" really is material implication. Here is an in many ways careful explanation: (1/n)
#logic #implication #conditional
en aide aux patients en améliorant leur prise en charge car certains d'entre nous sont touchés depuis presque 3 ans avec un impact fort sur le travail et la société.
#CoConstruction #Implication #Patients #Santé #Prévention #covid #travail #france
#coconstruction #implication #patients #sante #prevention #COVID #travail #France
RT @France_au_Faso: 🇫🇷🤝🇧🇫
L’ambassade dément avec fermeté toute #implication de l'#armée🇫🇷dans les événements des dernières heures,et les #rumeurs selon lesquelles des #autorités🇧🇫auraient été #accueillies ou seraient sous #protection de #militaires🇫🇷. https://m.facebook.com/login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fstory.php%3Fstory_fbid%3D475126464659994%26id%3D100064879326901&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CZacharopoulou/status/1576313427986784261
#implication #Armée #rumeurs #autorités #accueillies #protection #militaires
C'est grâce à des profs comme lui (qui a surtout une formation en psychoéducation) que le monde scolaire, le ministère et ses os*** de notes, changera un jour! #competition #nonproductif #ecole #enseignement #implication https://www.lesoleil.com/2022/06/29/il-donne-100-a-tous-ses-eleves-7c50e44679e9f172720a374ceeb744c1
#competition #nonproductif #ecole #enseignement #implication
#développez #emploi "Les développeurs jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'entreprise moderne étant impliqués dans la conception, la construction et l'exécution des stratégies numériques, selon IDC" #dev #implication #entreprise ... https://emploi.developpez.com/actu/316572/Les-developpeurs-jouent-un-role-de-plus-en-plus-important-dans-l-entreprise-moderne-etant-impliques-dans-la-conception-la-construction-et-l-execution-des-strategies-numeriques-selon-IDC/
#développez #emploi #dev #implication #entreprise
#développez #emploi "Les développeurs jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'entreprise moderne étant impliqués dans la conception, la construction et l'exécution des stratégies numériques, selon IDC" #dev #implication #entreprise ... https://emploi.developpez.com/actu/316572/Les-developpeurs-jouent-un-role-de-plus-en-plus-important-dans-l-entreprise-moderne-etant-impliques-dans-la-conception-la-construction-et-l-execution-des-strategies-numeriques-selon-IDC/
#entreprise #implication #dev #emploi #développez