Jules Holroyd and Kathy Puddifoot are organising a reading group on #ImplicitBias where they will be discussing the papers to appear in the special issue of our journal on the topic. For more information and to join, visit this link: https://engagedphilosophy.org/understanding-bias-implicit-bias-reading-group-special-issue/ @philosophy @philosophyofmind @philosophyofscience All welcome!
See our email listserv for psychotherapists at https://www.clinicians-exchange.org
TITLE: Blog post on racism and risk assessment
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Hi folks:
It’s probably of interest only to a few on this list, but since I was
posting it elsewhere...
This week's /Sexual Abuse/ blog is on racism and risk assessment.
Obviously, no single blog post can cover everything on this topic, but I
did what I could.
All the best,
David S. Prescott, LCSW, LICSW
Brandon, VT
#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy
@psychotherapist @psychotherapists
@psychology @socialpsych @socialwork
@psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #research
#bias #implicitbias #prison #incarceration #penal #penalsystem #risk
#riskassessment #assessment #criminaljustice #criminal #justice #instrument
#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #research #bias #implicitbias #prison #incarceration #penal #penalsystem #risk #riskassessment #assessment #criminaljustice #criminal #justice #instrument
Jesus. My 'liberal' NIMBY-esque neighborhood of Rockridge is starting civilian 'safety' patrols. WTF.
From the Q&A in the local newsletter:
"What will the driver do if they see an incident in progress? - Our drivers' primary duty is to observe, support, report, and when necessary serve as expert witness. When they see unusual activity, rather than make assumptions, they approach the scene in a friendly manner and ask if someone requires assistance before determining the next best response."
I wonder how much time their civilian drivers have spent interrogating their 'assumptions.'
#Oakland #EastBay #sfba
#saferrockridge #oakland #EastBay #sfba #implicitbias #safetyasacoverforwhitesurpremacistculture
by IsabelaDias in #MotherJones:
"The controversy at New Trier and the divisions it triggered in the community may seem familiar now. But the conflict didn’t take place in the volatile pandemic years when efforts to boost equity and diversity, teach comprehensive history, and implement pandemic-related health measures in schools sparked outrage from concerned parents and culture wars enthusiasts. It happened in early 2017, about a month after former President Donald Trump took office."
#NewTrier #HighSchool #Illinois #racism #parents #education #RightWing #equity #diversity #DiversityEquityInclusion #CivilRights #microaggressions #CulturalAppropriation #ImplicitBias
#motherjones #newtrier #highschool #illinois #racism #parents #education #rightwing #equity #diversity #DiversityEquityInclusion #civilrights #Microaggressions #CulturalAppropriation #implicitbias
It doesn’t add up:
Math teachers who believe women no longer face discrimination tend to be biased against girls’ ability in math. And effects of bias like this can snowball over time.
#genderequality #education #math #stem #implicitbias #WomenInSTEM
#genderequality #Education #math #stem #implicitbias #womeninstem
Ema Sullivan-Bissett argues that her unconscious #imagination model of #ImplicitBias can explain the results of work on #VirtualReality and bias mitigation #OpenAccess https://doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2023.2184334 @philosophy @psychology @philosophyofmind
#openaccess #virtualreality #implicitbias #imagination
My Good Design Deed for the day. Challenge assumptions, and challenge your clients.Dare them to say no. It's worth it and representation matters. #implicitbias #freelancerlife #graphicdesigner
#implicitbias #freelancerlife #graphicdesigner
Why are some #Equity practitioners still fixated on teaching #implicitbias or #UnconsciousBias training when it clearly doesn't work? #UrbanEquity #EDI #DEI
#DEI #edi #urbanequity #UnconsciousBias #implicitbias #equity
California’s black mothers are over 3x more likely to die due to pregnancy or delivery complications than white mothers.
This #BlackMaternalHealthWeek, join us in spreading awareness & reducing health disparities.
Find out about #ImplicitBias training: https://www.blacklegacynowsd.com/information-for-health-care-professionals/index.html
#blackmaternalhealthweek #implicitbias
This is an explicit example of #implicitbias that was posted via Twitter, in reference to a #female #surgical trainee. Check out some of the responses via this link https://twitter.com/PedsDrJeff/status/1635973164160229376?s=20
#implicitbias #female #surgical
#ImplicitBias isn’t “unconscious”?
“…participants in all 17 studies were able to accurately predict the patterns of their IAT results (…b = .44) …across samples, settings [online vs. in-person lab studies], countries …, and languages…. [These] results strengthen the hypothesis that cognitions reflected on implicit evaluations are accessible to conscious awareness.”
#socialPsychology #metaAnalysis #preprint #bias #unconsciousBias #decisionScience #cogSci #PhilMind
#implicitbias #socialpsychology #metaanalysis #preprint #bias #UnconsciousBias #decisionscience #cogsci #philmind
Absolutely. #SystemicRacism induces a lot of #ImplicitBias. By which I mean, regardless of whether CPS needs to be called, surely they are called on/for Black folx more than others. I mean, I'm not an expert on that data, but it would not or does not surprise me at all.
Kids these days...coddled and fed junk food. That's the #ImplicitBias that supports fierce debates about the stigmatized disease of #obesity. It also sets up barriers to decent #healthcare for both young and old persons living with it.
Kudos to Justin Ryder for his dialogue with Politico and to my colleagues who documented implicit bias in the language of the #diabetes and obesity literature for a new publication in Diabetic Medicine.
#implicitbias #obesity #healthcare #diabetes
Just as there will always be women helping perpetuate #patriarchy, there will always be Black people helping to perpetuate #SystemicRacism, in this case by writing an incredibly stupid op-ed column which, either through ignorance or malice, entirely misunderstands and misrepresents the concept of #ImplicitBias and the point of educating people about it.
#patriarchy #SystemicRacism #implicitbias #washingtonpost
#SCHEDULINGCHANGE This week, listen to @SXMProgress @SIRIUSXM: #TME with @JohnFugelsang #THURSDAY #radio #comedy #politics #news #media #producers #television #podcasts #losangeles #funny #smart #culture #tvnews #journalism #reporters #expert #implicitbias #listen #live
#schedulingchange #tme #thursday #radio #comedy #politics #News #media #producers #television #podcasts #losangeles #funny #smart #culture #TVnews #Journalism #reporters #expert #implicitbias #listen #live
Implicit racial bias re: Black women and handguns in national survey -- 62% surveyed said Black women had experience using handguns when only 21% ACTUALLY did.
#ImplicitBias #BlackWomen #Race #Stereotypes #Guns #NICHDimpact
#implicitbias #blackwomen #race #stereotypes #guns #NICHDimpact
Do you feel trapped & #powerless in a #toxicworkplace? You aren't powerless. #Followme on #tiktok 4 this series.
I'm a former #workplace #investigator & I know the secrets. I conducted the first study on #implicitbias in #workplace investigations-& if you trust that your… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1623931388419526660
#powerless #toxicworkplace #followme #tiktok #workplace #investigator #implicitbias
Miss me on #TME w/ @JohnFugelsang on @SIRIUSXM @SXMProgress? Here's a taste of what you missed. #politics #news #media #implicitbias Get the rest on the @JohnFugelsang #podcast anywhere you find your fave podcast. Ep: The POTUS Campaigns ... also on that Ep @glennkirschner2 🤘
#tme #politics #News #media #implicitbias #podcast
Don't miss the Birth of Brilliance conference virtually on 2/23 & an in-person cultural fair on 2/24.
The focus is on raising awareness about the effects of #RacialDisparities & #ImplicitBias in #MentalHealth, #SocialServices, #education & #MedicalCare.
#racialdisparities #implicitbias #mentalhealth #socialservices #education #medicalcare