I once had this demolishing LP, https://youtu.be/A-MV7Y_OP3I, but sold it. Thanks to a trade with a friend just got this, #AbsolutNullPunkt (=K.K.Null & #SeijiroMurayama) – Live In Japan CD. Great album on #ImportantRecords from 2004. #KazuyukiKNull never let's you down for some exciting Sonic Attacks.
#kazuyukiknull #importantrecords #seijiromurayama #absolutnullpunkt
Tod Dockstader - "Aerial II" #NowPlaying #TodDockstader #vinylrecords #vinyl #IMPREC
This finally arrived from #ImportantRecords with a thrashed cover (thanks, USPS). The second in the 3-part series of recordings of manipulated shortwave radio sounds, a super-complex collage of sounds and textures. 💚 Dockstader.
#nowplaying #toddockstader #vinylrecords #vinyl #imprec #importantrecords