@hackerpinup cool thing in parellel, google, 48hrs ago, announced #Android downgrade protections to prevent the use of #IMSICatcher and #stingraysurveillance
#android #imsicatcher #stingraysurveillance
Fin juin et début juillet au pic des révoltes dans la rue et les quartiers j’étais à Toulouse à proximité des quartiers enflammés . Bagatelle, Mirail.
Hélicos, BAC, CRS, et tutti quanti.
Du 1er au 3 juillet mon smartphone (FP4 And.12) s’est mis à rebooter tout seul une bonne vingtaine de fois, plutôt en journée.
L’appareil n’était pas particulièrement en sur-chauffe.
D’après-vous peut-il s’agir d’une attaque provenant d’un #imsi #imsicatcher ?
CC : @commownfr
Docs Show #FBI Pressures Cops to Keep Phone #Surveillance Secrets.
Newly released documents highlight the bureau's continued secrecy around cell-site simulators—spying tech that everyone already assumes exists.
#privacy #imsi #imsicatcher #stingrays #cellsitesimulators #spying
#spying #cellsitesimulators #stingrays #imsicatcher #imsi #privacy #surveillance #fbi
#IMSICatcher: Überwachung auch in #5G-Netzen möglich | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/IMSI-Catcher-Ueberwachung-auch-in-5G-Netzen-moeglich-9190322.html #Überwachung #surveillance #Datenschutz #privacy
#privacy #datenschutz #surveillance #uberwachung #5g #imsicatcher
Montag: Intel mit neuer Chipfabrik in Israel, Microsoft Teams als Telefonanlage
Intels Milliarden-Investitionen + Teams als Telefon-Ersatz + Millionen-Wechsel von Twitch-Streamern + 5G-Überwachung per IMSI-Catcher + c't uplink über Netflix
#G #IMSICatcher #Intel #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams #Netflix #Prozessoren #Smartphone #Streaming #StreamingDienste #Subventionen #Twitch #Überwachung #VoIP #news
#g #imsicatcher #intel #microsoft #microsoftteams #netflix #prozessoren #smartphone #streaming #streamingdienste #subventionen #twitch #uberwachung #voip #news
IMSI-Catcher: Überwachung auch in 5G-Netzen möglich
Trotz neuer Authentifizierungsverfahren und weiterer Maßnahmen in 5G-Netzen ist es für Dritte weiterhin möglich, die IMSI-Nummer von Smartphones auszuspähen.
#g #imsicatcher #mobilfunk #smartphone #news
📬 Telefonüberwachung in NRW soll fünf Jahre verlängert werden
#Datenschutz #Mobilfunk #Rechtssachen #GdPNRW #IMSICatcher #MichaelMertens #Telefonüberwachung #Telekommunikationsüberwachung https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/telefonueberwachung-in-nrw-soll-fuenf-jahre-verlaengert-werden-275407.html
#telekommunikationsuberwachung #telefonuberwachung #michaelmertens #imsicatcher #gdpnrw #Rechtssachen #mobilfunk #datenschutz
📬 Lesetipps: Hunderte von Crack-Webseiten verbreiten Malware
#Lesetipps #bigbrotherawards #Bildungszwecke #ElonMusk #FancyBear #IMSICatcher #JoasSantos #Schwurbeltreffde #SuperMarioBrosFilm https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps/lesetipps-hunderte-von-crack-webseiten-verbreiten-malware-273782.html
#supermariobrosfilm #schwurbeltreffde #joassantos #imsicatcher #fancybear #elonmusk #bildungszwecke #bigbrotherawards #lesetipps
Heimliche Überwachung: Deutlich mehr Funkzellenabfragen, weniger stille SMS | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Heimliche-Ueberwachung-Deutlich-mehr-Funkzellenabfragen-weniger-stille-SMS-8717037.html #StilleSMS #surveillance #Überwachung #Datenschutz #privacy #IMSIcatcher
#imsicatcher #privacy #datenschutz #uberwachung #surveillance #stillesms
“The RCMP in the Lower Mainland have continued to use a tool that allows investigators to track suspects based on the location of their cellphones, despite failing to finalize a policy on how to address significant privacy issues raised about the technology.” #imsicatcher #stingray #police #Surveillance https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-rcmp-phone-tracking-continues-despite-privacy-concerns/
#surveillance #police #stingray #imsicatcher
#Stingray #StingraySurveillance #IMSICatcher #CellSiteSimulators #DirtBoxes
For years, these devices have elicited criticism from civil rights groups and legislators who argue that they violate Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. The government insists it will only use this type of kit in line with existing rules and restrictions, but it appears that is not the case.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) looked at CSS deployment by the Secret Service and ICE and found, "Secret Service and ICE HSI [Homeland Security Investigations] did not always adhere to Federal statute and CSS policies when using CSS during investigations involving exigent circumstances."
Secret Service, ICE break the law over and over with fake cell tower spying | The Register
#stingray #stingraysurveillance #imsicatcher #cellsitesimulators #dirtboxes
@biktorgj @PINE64@fosstodon.or
With these new base stations monitoring functions in the baseband userland, one could setup and fine-tune their own "IMSI-catcher catcher": record and log unusual base stations popping in and out of selected locations... super interesting!
#pinephone #infosec #countersurveillance #imsicatcher #linuxphone #fossphone #quasifreelibremodem
#pinephone #infosec #countersurveillance #imsicatcher #linuxphone #fossphone #quasifreelibremodem
#Escroquerie aux #SMS de l'Assurance maladie : les suspects volaient les numéros de téléphone depuis leur voiture
#escroquerie #sms #imsicatcher
"Escroquerie aux SMS de l'Assurance maladie : les suspects volaient les numéros de téléphone depuis leur voiture" #wardriving 😲
"À bord de leur voiture, ils utilisaient un "IMSI-catcher"... 😲 (wtf)
"Au total, 424 000 SMS frauduleux ont été envoyés. Les destinataires étaient invités à se connecter sur un faux site de l'Assurance maladie et à entrer leurs données personnelles, dont, potentiellement, des coordonnées bancaires." :blobcatfearful: 😲
#cyberveille #imsicatcher #wardriving
(wegen einer aktuellen Diskussion woanders) Kann mir jemand sagen, ob die Schweiz mittlerweile wieder ein Rechtsstaat ist?
#vorratsdatenspeicherung #büpf
#metadaten #imsicatcher #privacy
#imsicatcher #vorratsdatenspeicherung #büpf #metadaten #privacy
I sometimes turn my phone off, turn airplane mode on, or leave my phone at home when I go out.
Help make this be a normal thing. Not just for me, but those who want to meet in private, get controversial health care, form a union, petition their government, etc.
A car without any cell phones in it should not be suspicious. It'd be simple to put an #ALPR and an #IMSIcatcher together to detect this, as @octal@twitter.com pointed out.
#alpr #imsicatcher #privacy #cellphone
Any updates on the blown up IMSI catcher and accompanying drunk driver story out of France? #imsicatcher #stingray #france
#imsicatcher #stingray #france
4/ At this point we *really* don't know who was operating the #IMSIcatcher in Paris.
But we can speculate that some of the Police vigilance (& bomb squad response) may come from the fact that the vehicle where it was running... was parked not that far from #Kurdish Cultural Center.
Where there was an attack 2 weeks ago.