“Not any one language should be the only language of scholarly or #Scicomm” – @jannepolonen promotes Science #InAllLanguages. Read our Interview from 2021 with the cofounder of Helsinki Initiative for #Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication. #Wisskomm https://www.wissenschaftskommunikation.de/inalllanguages-science-needs-many-languages-52977/
#scicomm #inalllanguages #multilingualism #wisskomm
Our #preprint server
EcoEvoRxiv recently started to accept preprints in Spanish & Portuguese.
Here is an interesting initiative that you may want to consider signing:
Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication https://helsinki-initiative.org/en/sign #InAllLanguages
#DOAJ is delighted to partner with Publicera, the new Swedish national platform for #openaccess journals from The National Library of Sweden.
#DOAJ works hard to ensure that journals #InAllLanguages are indexed to represent the true, global and diverse nature of open access publishing
#doaj #openaccess #inalllanguages #academictwitter #scholcomm
RT @DOAJplus
It is absolutely vital that research continues to be published #InAllLanguages
Roundtable on Diamond #OpenAccess and #Multilingualism
#academictwitter #scholcomm #multilingualism #openaccess #inalllanguages
Publication in English should not be associated with prestige!
Great EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022 panel discussion on challenges of recognizing and supporting multilingual scholarly work with
Gustav Bohlin
Marin Dacos @marind
Johan Rooryck @johanrooryck
Laura Rovelli
Henriikka Mustajoki (moderator)
Panel organized by the Helsinki Inititiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: https://www.helsinki-initiative.org/en #InAllLanguages
Read the report: https://vastuullinentiede.fi/en/news/publication-english-should-not-be-associated-prestige
RT @OAPENbooks
OAPEN December Newsletter & Season's Greetings - 2022 Review, Job opening & Helsinki Initiative for Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication - https://mailchi.mp/oapen/oapen-december-newsletter-seasons-greetings #InAllLanguages #oabooks
RT @DOABooks
DOAB December Newsletter - Season's greetings, PRISM, new documentation for publishers & Helsinki Initiative for Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication #DOABPRISM #oabooks #InAllLanguages @OPERASEU - https://mailchi.mp/oapen.org/doab-december-newsletter-seasons-greetings
#doabprism #oabooks #inalllanguages
RT @ILIA_CSIC@twitter.com
Muchas gracias, presidenta @delPinoE@twitter.com
Pronto haremos público el documento que enfatiza el valor de la producción científica en español, portugués y lenguas cooficiales #InAllLanguages @SEGIBdigital@twitter.com @CienciaGob@twitter.com @FECYT_Ciencia@twitter.com @AsociacionEULAC@twitter.com @unelibros@twitter.com @FGEEenlinea@twitter.com https://twitter.com/delPinoE/status/1590258484360011776
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ILIA_CSIC/status/1590268929855094785
As part of the #Translations and #OpenScience project funded by @sup_recherche and @MinistereCC, OPERAS launches a call for #tenders to evaluate #MachineTranslation in scholarly communication.
🔗Link to the call
#Multilingualism #ScholComm #InAllLanguages
#translations #tenders #machinetranslation #openscience #multilingualism #scholcomm #inalllanguages
RT @olivier_pourret
A few month ago, I have signed the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication.
I hope you will too.
RT @DORAssessment@twitter.com
The Helsinki Initiative is working to promote multilingualism in scholarly communication, including the promotion of language diversity in research assessment, evaluation, and funding systems.
More on #InAllLanguages👇
http://ow.ly/uZSD50EiLQ1 https://asapbio.org/preprints-in-the-public-eye
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DORAssessment/status/1379804931520086019
RT @OpenEditionPro@twitter.com
Initiative d'Helsinki sur le #multilinguisme dans la #CommunicationScientifique : soutenez la diffusion des résultats de la #recherche #DansToutesLesLangues !
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OpenEditionPro/status/1113470344323584000
#multilinguisme #communicationscientifique #recherche #danstoutesleslangues #inalllanguages