Fatevi un regalo di inizio nuovo anno: guardate il documentario IN & OF ITSELF di Derek DelGaudio e piangete. e godete.
Give yourself a New Year's gift: watch the documentary IN & OF ITSELF by Derek DelGaudio and cry. and enjoy.
#derekDelgaudio #inandofitself #documentary @derekdel #magic
#derekdelgaudio #inandofitself #documentary #magic
La mitica Vivi oggi racconta il “mago dell’io” #DerekDelGaudio che ho intervistato per @ilfoglio_it #edicoladivivi #inandofitself @derekdel #magic #magia
#derekdelgaudio #edicoladivivi #inandofitself #magic #magia
IL GIOCO DELL'IO NON IO: domani chiudo l'anno in bellezza con l'intervista a #DerekDelGaudio, straordinario mago e performer americano, autore del documentario "IN & OF ITSELF" (#DisneyPlus), un film "incredibilmente indescrivibile". domani e domenica su #ilFoglio #magia @derekdel #inandofitself
#derekdelgaudio #disneyplus #ilfoglio #magia #inandofitself
“You got the hands, kid. You should start focusing on the story.” - the amazing book of an amazing storyteller. Welcome @derekdel on #mastodon #derekdelgaudio #storyteller #magic #magician #memoir #inandofitself #knopf
#mastodon #derekdelgaudio #storyteller #magic #magician #memoir #inandofitself #knopf
Tonight we watched In and Of Itself, and I'm speechless. I wish I could have seen the show in person, but the filmed version gives a glimpse of it. I bawled my eyes out. It's been a long time since a show made me feel this much. I can't recommend it enough.