Ty · @ty
76 followers · 176 posts · Server transfur.social

Nobody knows who *carved* this exquisite wooden fox statue from a tree, but its also unsurprising for Ty to just be a hazard unto itself for getting in these situations.

Fortunately, this carving is nice and deep in the woods where stray fairies can spirit away the evidence claiming that this piece is anything more than an artistic wonder...

Wonderful piece by @NegaSubucni :3

#transformation #tftuesday #transfur #inanimate #statue

Last updated 1 year ago

Ty · @ty
72 followers · 149 posts · Server transfur.social

Ty, being the clever thing it is decided to be a crow. This will ward off the spirits of - surely, hanging around in a non-human or non-cat form is a good way to...

Oh. Right. It's a Ty. Don't look so shocked, Ty. You come with lovely slippers and that beak will look great on your hood when you're finished changing!

Art by captain_kobold@twitter !

#tftuesday #transformation #tf #transfur #inanimate

Last updated 1 year ago

Shark of the ie · @JessTeef
127 followers · 554 posts · Server transfur.social

It's summer so why not enjoy a nice gryphon sundae?  Even comes with a beak holder for it.

Art by @quillgoblin@twitter.com

#transformation #tf #transfur #inanimate #inanimatetf #foodtf

Last updated 1 year ago

Ty · @ty
49 followers · 52 posts · Server transfur.social

Blushy Ty looking at you with a page dotted with detail below them.

It's a contract! And a badly written one at that, but that's okay, we can always opt out if *it*'s enough.

What is *it*? Well poor Ty here wanted to be clothing. For a while. A quick signature as the gentle glow of dubious magics wraps the human, making them shudder a little as below their clothes, their flesh was either phasing out of reality or shifting to something a little more comfortable. A large bra cup pressing against the inside of Ty's current shirt as they lose balance, blushing heavily as their ability to speak is robbed.

What comes after, is a cute little outfit wrapped in a green shirt and dark shorts - a big bra, fishnet fights, a short skirt, all for you to wear.

"Subject to remain in the form of clothing until the next year. Its form can change to another outfit or clothing item once a month."

I'm picked up, and my fishnet leggings and heels are separated from the rest of me, consigned to the washing machine. My old clothes, set aside lazily as if trash.

Before I knew it, part of me was worn, part of me was spinning in a washing machine, and my poor brain was struggling to keep up... after all, I'm clothes for now, and why should my owner worry about that? I'm nice clothes... that's all that matters now... I hope I look cute next month~

#transformation #inanimate #clothing

Last updated 1 year ago

MooMaid · @MooMaid
22 followers · 53 posts · Server meow.social

Why yes Deer, I think this suncream is perfect for your fur. I can tell you like thanks to that big smile of yours.

A very squeaky and shiny commission for MysticDeer!


patreon.com/MooMaid I   subscribestar.adult/moomaid

#nsfw #transformation #tf #mysticdeer #pooltoy #deer #shark #inanimate #permasmile #bappers #pool #shorts

Last updated 1 year ago

Vanillayote · @rainyote
243 followers · 86 posts · Server meow.social
Ty · @ty
7 followers · 4 posts · Server transfur.social

If I'm jumping on I guess I should actually post a few things huh...

Here's a Ty, it comes in human form sometimes, and more than likely an object or a doodle or whatever <<

Have a nice selection of possibilities, with no limits for dorkery!

Art in order by
gwahhh @ FA
pornkitsi @ FA / guwuguwu @ twitter

#transformation #inanimate

Last updated 1 year ago

Sige (But weird) · @sige
107 followers · 51 posts · Server transfur.social

Mhmm.. gotta post some of my weirder stuff too!
Have my kitty as he transforms into a vaporeon ring!

Art by HelixJack

#pooltoy #transformation #inanimate #vinyl #squeak #squeaky #tfeveryday #transfur

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1496 followers · 13264 posts · Server mstdn.social

, 2018, , is an interesting, gentle look at the used in, and to create, his , done in a way that imbues the with an , a sense of , that let them as representations of the and shows, literally, how they helped express his ideas on .

like this me how little I really know or understand about making .


#Movies #teach #documentaries #Film #ozu #Artist #act #spirit #essence #inanimate #films #yasujiroozu #director #objects #danielraimi #directedby #thecriterionchannel #insearchofozu

Last updated 1 year ago

JessTeef · @JessTeef
56 followers · 64 posts · Server transfur.social

Seeing an empty fursuit in the hallway and thinking it was your roommate who turned into one after messing up another fursuit creation spell. You decide to have some fun and put it on to take photos with. Once suited up, you look at yourself in the mirror and admire their design. After looking you reach for your phone and try to pull off the glove but it seems stuck. A little panicked you start to pull harder, trying to find the seam between the glove and sleeve as well. Shocked, you can't even find the seam as you start to panic more, grabbing the head and pulling only to have it do the same thing.

After a while you try to calm down... but you notice you're not breathing. Your eyes also adjusting to the buckram that was in front of them. You jump to your feet and rush to their room to look for a way to reverse this. Half way there you trip and fall to the ground. No pain at all through your body. Trying to stand, you notice your right foot feels numb. You look down and see the fursuit paw kicked off to the side in the tumble.
You quickly hobble yourself over to their door as your other foot detaches and you once again fall to the floor, this time your left hand also flying off in front of you. You continue to try pulling yourself into the room, determined to stop this as you feel it get harder and harder to move.

You freeze in place when you get to their bed as you see their clothing on the floor like they rushed to get dressed in something, then it hits you. Did they put this suit on and disappear in it? With another sudden jolt you return to your sense and crawl to the bed and spot the spell book. With one hand you pull on the sheet only for it to suddenly detach and plummet you to the ground.

Continued below 1/2

#transformation #tf #inanimate #inanimatetf #mimic

Last updated 1 year ago

Dot · @DotRook
276 followers · 461 posts · Server blimps.xyz

Old art.
2nd go at a concept...
You are an inflatable rubber vixen toy.

#inflatable #transformation #inanimate

Last updated 1 year ago

Drake012 · @Drake012
177 followers · 73 posts · Server baraag.net
Drake012 · @Drake012
177 followers · 73 posts · Server baraag.net
Drake012 · @Drake012
177 followers · 73 posts · Server baraag.net
Nall :therian: · @nall
285 followers · 1376 posts · Server dook.business

Here's to everyone out there transformed into objects, doing what they do; no thoughts, or highly focused on being the perfect thing~ :3
(not that they can read this, but still 💚)

#tf #inanimate

Last updated 2 years ago

Nall ΘΔ · @nall
262 followers · 1364 posts · Server dook.business

"taking my new bike out."
didn't know you had one
"oh, it's on its way."
w- wait hold on
"with such shiny tyres."
"warm, bright lights."
"a big, purring engine."
"and a saddle just for me."
"what a lovely bike. shall we go?"

#tf #inanimate

Last updated 2 years ago

Drake012 · @Drake012
177 followers · 73 posts · Server baraag.net

A flexible boy sitting on his own head. Then he's turned into a happy stone statue.

#aigenerated #ai #novelAI #shota #transformation #nsfw #boy #tf #shapeshifting #statue #inanimate

Last updated 2 years ago

Halfdan Reschat · @Halfdan
51 followers · 67 posts · Server mastodon.online

While going through my 6000+ old tweets, I try to look for themes. Well - the theme of me treating objects as alive is both surprising and a bit disconcerting. 🤨

#twitterexodus #twittermigration #twitter #inanimate

Last updated 2 years ago

Smudge Proof :verified: · @Smudge_Proof
1122 followers · 1291 posts · Server baraag.net

What you know... her kisses ARE warm!


Now I wonder if her button is like an erogenous zone... must be full of nerve endings, right?

Sometimes I dig up the most random unifinished sketch in my backlog.

#kez #infinitytrain #ryanakagi #mingipark #inanimate

Last updated 2 years ago

140 followers · 274 posts · Server baraag.net