[shrug emoji] #inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia
If you want to help out you can come drop a comment in support of trans people in the LGBTQIA+ thread, since all the cis people have decided that we're ruining their fun, even though no one is stopping them from talking about fun things or another topic.
They're just continuing the tone policing and pretending that asking to be shown bare minimum respect is being "divisive" and "causing conflict for no reason" and all kinds of other bullshit.
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #trans #nonbinar #nonbinarypride #pridemonth #wrathmonth
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #trans #nonbinar #nonbinarypride #pridemonth #wrathmonth
Cis people in the LGBTQIA+ thread right now:
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia
Trans people: Hey your apology is not really an apology, you're just defending your bigoted behavior. It's clear you don't understand what you actually did wrong.
Cis people coming out of the woodwork to cry about how sad this whole thing is making them: Why do you have to be so divisive? 🙁 Why do you need to keep causing conflict? :blobsad: Can't we all just get along? 😢 I think if you want to be treated with respect you need to be more polite! You should privately message the people attacking you so they can continue attacking you safe in the knowledge that they will not receive any consequences for their behavior because no one knows about it. I can't believe trans people are ruining what used to be my favorite thread which I've never actually interacted with before making this post telling you to stop defending yourselves 💔
#transmisia #inaturalisttransmisia #inaturalist #thingscispeoplesay
#transmisia #inaturalisttransmisia #inaturalist #thingscispeoplesay
Just for the record, not that there's been any updates, but the iNat staff did in fact threaten to delete my iNaturalist.org account when they banned me from the forums, and I'm just going to go on the record to state that if these motherfuckers delete my account in retaliation, I am going to sue them until one of us dies. I have over 17,000 observations and over 20,000 identifications. Almost all of my observations have multiple HD photos, as well as audio when applicable, and I've made all of them public domain so that people can use the photos and audio for teaching and fun.
If they take that away not just from me, but from everyone who can and has benefited from it (I know at least one youtuber who makes plant identification videos who's using my pictures to teach people what to look for!), I will literally never let it go.
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia
And Sedgequeen made another post which was imediately hidden and not archived, without the option to view it so like.
What did she say? Because at this point I guarenfuckingtee you she was criticizing the staff because they've proven they don't give a shit about trans people -.-
Staff: *claim removing two purposefully bigoted posts would make them a police state*
also staff: *hide and remove any post criticizing them even in the mildest of ways*
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia
Really funny to me that the LGBTQIA+ and iNAturalist thread has been deathly fucking silent ever since the staff banned "political" discussions.
Also love that they edited "do not intentionally misgender anyone" into the first post, but then literally admit that they're redefining misgendering so that it no longer includes.........misgendering. So that even when dozens of people are telling them "This is purposeful misgendering is not okay" they can just shrug and go "Well we, five cis people, disagree with you on the definition of misgendering, so actually that's not hate speech and isn't breaking any rules and Actually, we're banning you for wanting us to do something about it. We five cis people are the experts on transmisia, don't you know?"
#iNaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #transpride #queerpride
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #transpride #queerpride
Still no response back from the CAOS.
I guess I'll just keep making memes.
#iNaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride
Here's the survey for people who do not have an iNaturalist account to take:
Let me know if I missed editing any questions (it's a duplicate of the other one).
Google sign in is required to prevent spam. you are encouraged to share on other social medias! The poll assumes you are already aware of the situation with staff members supporting misgendering, if you're not, find out before you take it.
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia
Anyways I made a survey for iNaturalist users to take and share their feelings about the staff's reactions in the forum. Email is required only to prevent spam, all answers will be anonymous.
Let me know if you think there's any other questions I should add.
I encourage you to share the link on other social medias, as long as the people taking it use iNaturalist (including if they've just joined, but no random people who are never going to use it)
When it gets at least 20 responses I'll email the results to the CAOS
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #queerpride #nonbinarypride
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #queerpride #nonbinarypride
I'm now encouraging people to leave a 1 star review for the iNaturalist app, explaining that the staff are transmsic and would rather literally ban trans users and tell us that if we don't want to be misgendered, we can find another forum, than actually support us and do the bare minimum of removing exacltly two posts purposefully misgendering a trans user!
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #solidarity #queer #pride #pridemonth #wrathmonth #transpride #nonbinarypride
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #solidarity #queer #pride #pridemonth #wrathmonth #transpride #nonbinarypride
Just sent the California Academy of Sciences a message on Facebook along with the earlier message I sent through their feedback link.
You'll be able to read the text of the Facebook message and the first feedback message here when they are done loading. The web archive will automatically make them available to read online, and you can also download them if you want:
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #pridemonth #wrathmonth
#queer #trans #transwrath
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #pridemonth #wrathmonth #queer #trans #transwrath #queerwrath
So our Extremely Christian™ neighbor who's never heard of Pokemon Go who just heard the word "transgender" and "nonbinary" for the first time today is more accepting of trans people than the iNaturalist staff who literally get paid to be inclusive lol
#iNaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride #queerpride #queer #transmisia
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride #queerpride #queer #transmisia
Guess who just got banned from the iNaturalist forums for asking not to be misgendered the day before Pride month starts? <3
#inaturalist #trans #transpride #Queer #Queerpride #pride #pride month #inaturalisttransmisia
#inaturalist #trans #transpride #queer #queerpride #pride #inaturalisttransmisia
Here's some memes I created in response to the iNaturalist staff being transmisic. It's so pathetic because doing the right thing would literally require *less* effort than this charade lofl...
Not sure how many images I can upload at once...
And yes, I am fueled by spite :)
not sure how to tag this, let me know if I should add any more.
#memes #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #misgendering #exorsexism
#memes #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #misgendering #exorsexism