I sometimes forget how little is actually required to facilitate a playtest - in a couple of days I have hammered out a couple of pages of a playtest document for my In-A-Wicked-Age-Heartbreaker, and it's extremely crude, but also fully testable.
I mean, it helps that I've stolen The Owe List and don't have to write my own Oracles just yet.
#ttrpg #ttrpgDesign #storygame #inawickedage
12 - Oldest game I still play
We played Primetime Adventures (2004) 1 or 2 years ago and I'm all the time thinking about playing it again, so it gets my nomination.
Honorable mention to In a Wicked Age (2007)
#PrimetimeAdventures #InAWickedAge #TTRPG
#RPGaDAY #RPGaDay2023
#rpgaday2023 #RPGaDAY #ttrpg #inawickedage #primetimeadventures