Cautiously optimistic summary of #INC2 aka #plasticstreaty negotiations in the @guardian
#PlasticPollution #pfas
First steps agreed on plastics treaty after breakthrough at Paris talks | Global development | The Guardian
#pfas #PlasticPollution #plasticstreaty #inc2
#inc2 is over. One step closer to a #PlasticTreaty . It has been an intense and good experience. So many things at stake with the plethora of interests and aspects. Now for the intersessional periode prior to #inc3. I feel so fortunate to share this work with the rest of @sciencecoalition.
o great to see so many @ScientistsCoa members and plan our work for the days ahead to inform the #INC2 negotiations for the UN #PlasticsTreaty! #Plastic #SciComm @AWI_Media
#scicomm #plastic #plasticstreaty #inc2
o great to see so many @ScientistsCoa members and plan our work for the days ahead to inform the #INC2 negotiations for the UN #PlasticsTreaty! #Plastic #SciComm @AWI_Media
#scicomm #plastic #plasticstreaty #inc2
I’m at UNESCO in Paris this week for #INC2 - where the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee will work on a global #plasticstreaty to end #plasticspollution.
Please connect if you’re attending!
#inc2 #plasticstreaty #PlasticsPollution
Colonialism in the waste sector is evident in many ways. It can be described as the export of waste from economically powerful countries to lower-income countries.
#StopWasteColonialism #AfricaForZeroWaste
#PlasticTreatyNow #BreakFreeFromPlastic #INC2
#inc2 #breakfreefromplastic #plastictreatynow #africaforzerowaste #stopwastecolonialism
Mayors panel on cities‘ actions on #PlasticPollution with inspiring cases from Mauretania, Indonesia, USA. Local action key if well connected to national and global level. #INC2 #PlasticsTreaty
#plasticstreaty #inc2 #PlasticPollution
.@andersen_inger: People are disgusted by #PlasticPollution, so the negotiations of the #PlasticsTreaty cannot be endless and we need ambition. A systemic redesign of the plastic economy is the DNA of the solutions. #INC2
#inc2 #plasticstreaty #PlasticPollution
Starting the pre #INC2 with @BCarneyAlmroth and Trisia Farrelly at the Paris climate academy. What can cities do for the #PlasticsTreaty?
Since unfortunately too few people are here from the #plasticpollution field to retoot, I am briefly back on the birdsite with updates/retweets on the #PlasticsTreaty negotiations in Paris (#INC2).
#plasticpollution #plasticstreaty #inc2
En route to #INC2 in Paris, I re-listened @plastisphere‘s wonderful #PlasticsTreaty episode. Just in case you want to catch up…
Take a look at our policy brief on plastic chemicals and polymers! Relevant for #INC2 #PlasticsTreaty
Download the brief here:
Spanish and French versions coming soon.
⚠️ "The key to solving the plastics crisis and promoting transformative change may lie in the South Asian region."
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
✍️ Dharmesh Shah reports
🔎 Read here:
#PlasticsTreaty #INC2 #StopPlasticPollution #plastics #southasia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
#plasticstreaty #inc2 #stopplasticpollution #plastics #SouthAsia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
The second round of negotiations for the global #PlasticsTreaty will take place from 29 May to 2 June in Paris.
In the run-up, I'm posting links here in this thread:
What should the #PlasticTreaty contain, and who gets to decide?
#plasticstreaty #PlasticTreaty #inc2 #plasticpollution #plastic #environment #politics
Hey @plasticpollution Peeps, is anyone planning to attend the #INC2 in Paris, including June 1 and/or 2? #plasticpollution #PlasticTreaty #plasticstreaty
#inc2 #plasticpollution #PlasticTreaty #plasticstreaty
~180 submissions from Stakeholders for #INC2 #PlasticsTreaty. 4 categories of submissions according to the granularity.
The red rectangle frames the necessary level of detail required to have a substantive UNEP report and then, concrete deliberations.
Quoting Andrés Del Castillo from Twitter:
🔴📺French President Emmanuel Macron on #plasticpollution:
1️⃣ #plasticstreaty #INC2 in Paris (Mai 2023)
2️⃣UN 🇺🇳 Ocean Conference in 🇫🇷 (2025) to close an agreement to combat ocean plastic pollution
3️⃣ Persuade Mediterranean countries to act quickly maybe go faster !
#plasticpollution #plasticstreaty #inc2
Last tweet of 2022:
🔴#INC2 UNEPwebsite for a #plasticstreaty is out:
❤️OECD is suggesting a tax on plastics that increases to USD 750/t globally by 2030 and to USD 1500/t by 2060
💔The deadline for submissions is extremely to short (6 jan)
Felíz Año💗
WATCH: #PlasticsTreaty talks just ended. #INC1 Chair formally closes the session. In his final statement, he said: "Plastics are fossil fuels & pose a serious threat to human rights, the climate & biodiversity." Onwards to #INC2 in🇫🇷! ✊🏽
#breakfreefromplastic #inc2 #inc1 #plasticstreaty
Die 1. Verhandlungsrunde #INC1 für ein globales #Plastik Abkommen ist geschafft! 1000 Dank für die herzliche Gastfreundschaft der Menschen von Punta del Este, #Uruguay und an das tolle deutsche Team! Hoffen wir dass #INC2 mehr Substanz bringt,um Plastikverschmutzung zu mindern!🤞