Will be discussing our latest findings on hazardous chemicals in plastics tomorrow, Wed. 4 pm Nairobi time at the @unep webinar. Join us:
#inc2 is over. One step closer to a #PlasticTreaty . It has been an intense and good experience. So many things at stake with the plethora of interests and aspects. Now for the intersessional periode prior to #inc3. I feel so fortunate to share this work with the rest of @sciencecoalition.
RT @andresdelcas@twitter.com
📣Nordics countries will sponsor a Science base report to end #plasticpollution to be release before #INC3
📣Cabo verde 🇨🇻 joined the @HACplastic@twitter.com #plasticstreaty
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andresdelcas/status/1587742593030430720
#plasticstreaty #inc3 #PlasticPollution