I don't care that the ADL says it's not antisemitic.
To me, it's tone deaf.
It's not Der Sturmer, it's not Joseph Streicher, fine...ok.
I'm not saying that anyone's trying to hurt us, I'm just saying the optics aren't good; it doesn't take into account the historical portail of Jews.
#InCaseJewMIssedIt #LeonardBernstein #BradleyCooper
By the way, have you SEEN the photos of the Third Reich 'Aryans'? WHO has a large nose?
The stereotype has always been stupid and I don't really know how it started
#incasejewmissedit #LeonardBernstein #bradleycooper
#InCaseJewMissedIt #ConservativeJudaism minhag allows #kitnyot on #pesach as seen here: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/halakhah/teshuvot/2011-2020/Levin-Reisner-Kitniyot.pdf #passover
#incasejewmissedit #conservativejudaism #kitnyot #pesach #passover